Sometimes it happens… More lately than usual. These sleepless nights. My mind scrolling through all the things, the things to do. I wonder why. Why this month has been so hard for me to fall asleep and sleep through the night? I feel like the answers are there, but I am not following them, taking their lead. They tease me with their relaxing ways and I grab, but can not reach and slowly slowly move in the direction of awakeness… aaaaaaaaaaaa
Do you ever feel this way?

Samia Shalabi is a Seattle based artist & designer, yogi and traveler who has roots in the Middle-East, was raised in the middle-west and is drawn to India. She has a degree in geology, has traveled all over the world with a backpack, and believes in following her dreams. Samia does yoga most mornings, enjoys walks around Seattle, loves to laugh, and daydreams about where to travel next. She is working on a movie shoot in France.