The Carnival Magic is full. A bit over 3,700 passengers fill this ship. Think about this; if only half the passengers bring two bags, that is 5550 hunks of luggage.
It seems the new Carnival Magic has an eatery every ten feet. There’s pizza,
a deli, and on and on. The Southern Lights and the Northern Lights are the main dining rooms.
Last night we had a lovely server from Serbia. I ordered Minestrone, Alligator Fritters (don’t ask), and Chile Rellenos. First came the fritters, then the Rellenos. But where’s the soup? When Alexi brought my main course, I asked about the soup. She blanched, then blushed, and apologized profusely.
“All is cool.” I said, “Just bring it now and I’ll have it with the Rellenos.”
Heading for the kitchen, she apologized again, and again, and again. I finished the Rellenos. No soup. More wine was poured, more bread came, no soup.
To tell the truth, I was now stuffed; not even room for dessert.
Here’s the soup! She apologized again, and again, and again.
Now what to do? Obviously I had to eat the soup or she’d think I was sulking or angry with her. Every spoonful a major effort. I won’t be able to slurp another bowl of Minestrone for months. The good news is Alexi and I are now friends
Oh, and the alligator fritters were great.
I can’t wait for my next meal.
Magic is scheduled to leave Galveston, spend two days at sea, next Costa Maya, then Cozumel, a day at sea, and home we go. Make “is” was. Apparently, we’ve got a thruster not thrusting. A thruster is a small jet that helps the ship cuddle carefully to the dock. A woman thought thruster was a dance step.
So instead of Costa Maya, we’re in Progreso on the tip of the Yucatan Peninsula for two days. Divers will work on the thruster. We’re next to the Carnival Elation.
The small town of Progreso is being invaded by 6000 people.
According to the table talk last night, the Progreso beach massage is a big draw.
Many will bus to Merida, a lovely town famous for its colonial architecture. While in Merida I came across this painting.
It, I am sure, depicts the discovery of ethanol.
Some lucky ones will head to Chichen-Itza, the extraordinary Mayan ruins depicted in the Mel Gibson movie. The ruins are close enough for a 7 hour tour. The price, an inexpensive $69.95.
Meanwhile, on board, a unique spot to eat and have a beer is the new Red Rock Café.
Many brands of beer are featured,
but if you want a tall one, Carnival’s Red Rock is goooooood.The café also serves conch fritters, shrimp things, and other goodies. Magic will have Jamaica as part of its new itinerary, so the spicy sauces are from Jamaica.
They are hot, mon. I don’t remember finding these in our grocery store. If you like yours hot with flavor, take home the one featuring “Jamaican peppers”.

Geoff Edwards is a veteran radio and television broadcaster. He has an Emmy for best talk show host, and an Emmy nomination for best Game Show Host. Besides hosting network game shows, he has appeared as an actor in numerous television shows and movies. In radio, he was top rated in Los Angeles on both KMPC and KFI.
With all of this, Geoff never lost his thirst for travel. He has been cruising since 1969 and has twice cruised around the world. From Morocco, to the Marshall Islands, and even to Branson, Geoff ‘s wit adds a special flavor to his travel commentary. Michael, Geoff’s wife, travels with him and records all on film.
Today, Geoff writes for several national magazines, currently broadcasts a weekly travel report to Monterey’s KION morning show, and does on “location” special travel broadcasts for CRN, the Cable Radio Network.