~ how to ~
I bought these cute floral slingbacks last year and just loved them–until after a few wears they broke! I was sad. I tried looping the buckle and the strap together. I tried tying them. But they just weren’t the same. This isn’t the first time this fate has come to a pair of my slingbacks. I have another pair of cute black heels that I wore all the time because they were so comfortable–until the elastic in the back got so stretched out that they were hard to walk in. Both pairs of these shoes sat in my closet in the hopes that one day they would magically be fixed and I could wear them again. Strangely that never happened! That is, until I took matters into my own hands. When spring sprung this year and I looked at that sad, cute pair of shoes, pining to wear them with a flowy skirt or jeans, I vowed to myself I would fix them. And I did! No longer will they live only on my shoe rack. Here is your how to on fixing your slingbacks and giving them the life they deserve.
Here are your supplies.
- A needle (preferably the thinnest one you have since you’ll be pushing it through thick straps)
- Thread that matches your shoes
- Ribbon (make sure it is strong and the same width as your shoe straps)
Here is the sad broken end. To prep your shoes, pull the straps back towards each other and cut off the ends so the length matches.

Match up the ribbon end with the inside of the strap, ribbon streaming down.

Stitch the ends together

Fold the strap over and stitch it again to make sure it is extra strong.

Fold the ribbon back up and stitch it to your folded end so it can be tied in a bow in the back. Repeat on all four straps. Cut the ends so the bow ties at the proper length. Voila! Your slingbacks walk again!

Ashley Bunk lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she works as a communications professional and freelance writer.
Ashley is an active runner, traveler, reader, and skier. She loves exploring the world and has made it a hobby to find beauty in the smallest details of life. Ashley has an ever-expanding list of places to visit (feel free to send her your favorites!), and loves living in the beautiful state of Utah, where she is only a drive away from gorgeous mountains, breathtaking red rock, and world-renowned snow. Ashley co-authors the inspiration-focused web site 365Inspirations.com