~ a better you ~
1. They protect your eyes against UV rays
Ultra violet radiation is harmful to your eyes and is associated with development of cataracts. Look for sunglasses that protect your eyes against 100 percent of the sun’s UV rays.
2. Sunglasses reduce bright glare
This might seem obvious, but when it’s bright, driving or being out in the sun can really be dangerous. Your eyes require a certain amount of ambient light to be able to see well and when it’s too bright it’s not only dangerous because you can’t see where you’re going, but it’s also bad for your optical health.
3. Sunglasses reduce strained eyes and headaches
When the sun is really bright your pupils can’t contract small enough to block out additional light which causes you to squint and strain your eyes. The muscle fatigue from this can cause headaches and strain on your eyes. When you wear sunglasses, you are allowing your pupils to relax, protecting yourself against strain.

Ashley Bunk lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she works as a communications professional and freelance writer.
Ashley is an active runner, traveler, reader, and skier. She loves exploring the world and has made it a hobby to find beauty in the smallest details of life. Ashley has an ever-expanding list of places to visit (feel free to send her your favorites!), and loves living in the beautiful state of Utah, where she is only a drive away from gorgeous mountains, breathtaking red rock, and world-renowned snow. Ashley co-authors the inspiration-focused web site 365Inspirations.com