Passing Stars and the Ones That Stay

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East Coast visits. Lots of them lately. Four more people moving west in some fashion or another. A modern version of a mini-gold rush. No, its not 1998 again, but it doesn’t need to be. It’s a new reality. Housing is still inflated despite some say its leveling off.

Surreal, neutral, melancholy, a reminder of the beauty in all the connecting dots or perhaps ‘stars’ that enter our lives and leave, if only for a brief moment and then move on.

A gentle reminder too to avoid analyzing life ‘itself’,’ or enclosing or controlling it somehow. The purer route is to just be present with and participate in the flow of all the stars coming together, as if creating a song in harmony that we absorb, allowing it to sink in so deeply that it is now part of our DNA. The stars become us and us the stars.

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