There is no graduation from education.” ~Greg Denning
It’s been said that the average person doesn’t read a book after their last graduation, and those who do, usually read entertaining fiction. Our approach to education follows the methods of A Thomas Jefferson Education, and so includes a lot of reading, especially of the classics. Besides reading from scripture, we read one or more of these books everyday.
Below are some of our picks. Have you read these books? What did you like about them? What didn’t you like?
Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion
Offering specific advice on implementing the Thomas Jefferson Education model, I’m studying this so that I can improve our home education methods.
The Secret Garden
Greg is reading this one to the kids, and they’re all enjoying the stories and the principles it teaches. A great classic!
Hans Christian Andersen
We’ve been study stories by this classic author, including Thumbelina, The Emperors New Clothes, and others.
Stop Stealing Dreams
Not an actual print book, Stop Stealing Dreams is a manifesto written by Seth Godin (author of Linchpin, a must read), about the broken school system, and the need for reformation.
If you care at all about your child’s education, then I highly recommend that you read his manifesto. It’s absolutely free, and available in a variety of digital formats.
The current [school system], which seeks uniformity and minimum standards, is killing our economy, our culture, and us.” Seth Godin
The Power of Intention
A ‘new-age’ type book written by Wayne Dyer, it addresses connecting to ‘Intention’ or the Universal Field – the Power and Source of the universe, which created all and is the source of all.
He explains that if we want to manifest the things we want into our lives, then we need to connect to this Power by living, feeling and being like it is – Love, Kindness, Beauty, Truth, etc.
When we are not these things, then we are disconnected from our Source, and cannot create our world to be the way we want it to be.
Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning
I’ve started reading this one, and it’s incredible!
It’s a companion volume to A Thomas Jefferson Education, and expands upon the different stages of learning: Core, Love of Learning and Scholar.
Highly recommended!

Rachel Denning is an unassuming mother of five who never really did any international traveling until she had four children. After a second honeymoon to Playa del Carmen, Mexico, she and her husband decided to sell most of their belongings and move their family abroad.
Driving from the United States to Panama, they settled in Costa Rica for a year, until the U.S. financial market crash in 2008, when they lost their location independent income. Returning to the United States to look for work, they knew they’d be back ‘out’ again, having been officially bitten by the travel bug!
Despite adjustments to living a simpler life (or perhaps because of it), they were able to save enough money to move to the Dominican Republic in 2009. After six months they came back to the States once more, where they were offered employment working with a non-profit organization in India.
They spent five months living in Tamil Nadu, then returned to the States once more (to Alaska) so they could have baby number five – Atlas.
From there, they set out in April of 2011 to drive, in a veggie powered truck, from Alaska to Argentina, visiting every continental country in North and South America.
Travel is a part of their life now, and they can’t imagine doing anything else. Rachel photographs and writes about their incredible family travel adventures on their website, and they also have resources that encourage others to live a deliberate life.