For some reason, we got up early and did a major workout this morning. I don’t know where the energy came from, but it felt good to move my body in an intense way. After that, I became an actor… Well, sort of anyway. I had to act as a friend of the woman in the movie and hold her arm as she was walking into her aunt’s funeral.
It was a beautiful and sunny day here and we shot the scene at the chateau. So in some ways I felt I had a day of rest. The actors have it EASY… I mean seriously, today, I sat around all day and waited and pretended to be sad and I had big breaks in the middle of the day.
I was thinking what a different perspective it is to be in front of the camera versus behind it. There is so much going on behind the scenes, running around taking care of this and that and figuring out all the missing pieces. And the actors sit there and wait to say their lines and pretend to be someone else. I like both. They both have their own challenges and I think it is good to be challenged and inspired by something that is so out of my comfort zone.

Samia Shalabi is a Seattle based artist & designer, yogi and traveler who has roots in the Middle-East, was raised in the middle-west and is drawn to India. She has a degree in geology, has traveled all over the world with a backpack, and believes in following her dreams. Samia does yoga most mornings, enjoys walks around Seattle, loves to laugh, and daydreams about where to travel next. She is working on a movie shoot in France.