I was sitting with two friends under a mango tree drinking tchouk (millet beer). A middle aged man approached us in a manner both shy and sly.
“Bonsoir”, he said to each of us individually, studying our faces.
We responded in kind, waiting to see what was going to happen next.
“I have some parasutemal.” (something like aspirin) and he pulled out what looked like a greasy pizza box.
“A-haaa”, my friends said in delight, “That is just the ticket”.
I remained baffled even as the man opened the box to display several meat kebabs. My friends pulled out their money in a flash, and then turned to me.
“You are going to try some, right?” Something in their voice warned me that it wasn’t goat, and they confirmed that it was in fact, delicious dog meat.
Apparently, not everyone likes to eat dog, especially Muslims. Hence, the vendor’s cautious approach. But those who like it really find it a treat. I made barking noises as my friends ate their skewers, just to see if it would turn them off at all, but they love viande de chien. Their lip smacking did not convince me to try even a bite, but I wondered to myself if I would have been able to convince them to eat sushi.

After 10 years as a techie in the United States, Rebecca Hunt joined the
Peace Corps in Togo, West Africa. She taught computer skills and
business skills in a medium sized city. After 2 years in Togo, she
moved to Accra, Ghana to work in a internet and mobile telephone