Night Out on Cape Town’s Long Street

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A friend of mine had a friend down from Australia was visiting Cape Town and staying at the Long Street Backpackers which made it easy to go out at partying so we decided to have a bit of a girl’s night. We really had a fantastic time!

I walked up to Long Street from the train station at around 6pm and met Lauren at the backpackers. We had a long night ahead of us so decided to chill for a bit and played a game of pool before heading up to Royale Eatery to meet our other friend for dinner. We found a table out on the pavement and had a look at the menu. Royale is famous for two things; their burgers and their milkshakes. There is such a wide variety of both on the menu that it’s almost too difficult to choose just one. We were spared this trouble because of two things; the wind was a bit nippy and there were no more free tables inside, and our waitress was pretty tetchy with us which we thought was unnecessary.

We decided to take our money elsewhere and ended up at Neighbourhood Restaurant. Since it opened a few years back this restaurant-bar has become quite popular with the locals and the food is absolutely delicious. We often stop off here before a night out just for a platter of the scrumptious chilli poppers. This night was no different. Our table ordered two portions of chilli poppers, one portion of curly fries, one mezze platter and a large nachos. As always the food was of a high standard and we happily filled our bellies as we sipped on our house wine.

The great thing about Neighbourhood is you don’t have to eat there to hang out there; the balcony offers visitors a perfect spot to sit and drink while chatting away and watching the goings and comings below. We were almost happy to stay there the whole night but we had planned a night of dancing and seeing as it was Thursday we headed to Fiction Bar.

Every Thursday night Fiction invites drum ‘n bass lovers to experience the impressive sounds of local and international DJs. It’s R20 to get in and there are drinks specials on the night. The drum ‘n bass nights attract a very mixed crowd of people who are itching to dance out the evening to the powerful beats of their favourite DJs. We danced, drank and chatted out on the balcony where the cool air refreshed our skin.

All in all we had a fantastic time, and I’m glad we got to share it with our Australian friend. If anyone is visiting the Mother City and is looking for a place to party, all they have to do is walk along Long Street.

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