If you were selected to be the caretaker of the most precious commodity in the planet, more valuable than all the gold in the world, more in demand than oil in the middle east, and more brilliant than the brightest diamond… would you sign up as the caretaker? And by doing so, you agree to be judged harshly on the job you performed, based on one simple, seemingly arbitrary test?
Well, the Ancient Egyptians agreed, as they believe we each have been given this gift.
It is your life.
And the simple test determines you fate: whether or not you can on to the next world, and whether or not a record of your existence in your earth-life remains in the book of life.
Reflect: Are you using the gift wisely?
The ancient Egyptians had an incredible relationship to life and an even more incredible relationship to death. They believed that life was the ultimate gift, and that at the end of your life you’d be judged as to how you used this gift. According to their beliefs, being good, leading a good life, simply wasn’t enough.
Being good isn’t enough?
In other words, it’s necessary to lead a good life, but not sufficient.
Leading a good life isn’t sufficient? Then what is?
Book of the Dead excerpted from wikipedia:
“If all the obstacles of the Duat could be negotiated, the deceased would be judged in the Weighing of the Heart ritual, depicted in Spell . The deceased was led by the god Anubis into the presence of Osiris. There, the dead person swore that he had not committed any sin from a list of 42 sins, reciting a text known as the “Negative Confession”. Then the dead person’s heart was weighed on a pair of scales, against the goddess Ma’at, who embodied truth and justice. Ma’at was often represented by an ostrich feather, the hieroglyphic sign for her name. At this point, there was a risk that the deceased’s heart would bear witness, owning up to sins committed in life; Spell 30B guarded against this eventuality. If the scales balanced, this meant the deceased had led a good life. Anubis would take them to Osiris and they would find their place in the afterlife, becoming maa-kheru, meaning “vindicated” or “true of voice”. If the heart was out of balance with Ma’at, then another fearsome beast called Ammit, the Devourer, stood ready to eat it and put the dead person’s afterlife to an early and unpleasant end.”
Ok, I understand, there’s judgement of moral behavior, did you commit the sins of killing, stealing, etc.?
Did you live compassionately, authentically and inspired? Did you keep love in your heart and act from that place? Did you follow your dreams and become the best version of you possible? Did you live YOUR TRUTH?
Hopefully you can answer with a firm:
If you were to be judged upon your choices of how you spent the precious gift called life, the way you lived your personal truths versus the absence of the 42 sins, how would you make out? In other words, living a sufficient life isn’t enough, and in today’s culture of hedonism, consumerism, regret, greed and fear, where do you stand? How do you measure?
Your heart weighed against a feather
If you think of the symbolism of your heart weighed against a feather, it’s pretty meaningful. Do you have a heavy heart, filled with regrets, guilt, frustrations, anger or fear? I suspect all of those things weigh more than love.
And if today, you had your meeting with Osiris, how would your heart measure up against a feather?
Only you can live your truth, starting now..
Check in, do you have a heavy heart or is it light as feather??

Lainie Liberti is a recovering branding expert, who’s career once focused on creating campaigns for green – eco business, non-profits and conscious business. Dazzling clients with her high-energy designs for over 18 years, Lainie lent her artistic talents to businesses that matter. But that was then.
In 2008, after the economy took a turn, Lainie decided to be the change (instead of a victim) and began the process of “lifestyle redesign,” a joint decision between both her and her 11-year-old son, Miro. They sold or gave away all of of their possessions in 2009 and began a life of travel, service, and exploration. Lainie and her son Miro began their open-ended adventure backpacking through Central and South America. They are slow traveling around the globe allowing inspiration to be their compass. The pair is most interested in exploring different cultures, contributing by serving, and connecting with humanity as ‘global citizens.’
Today Lainie considers herself a digital nomad who is living a location independent life. She and her son write and podcast their experiences from the road at Raising Miro on the Road of Life.