Sylvia Rozwadowska is an entrepreneur, traveler and and coordinator for cultural events. As part of the International Chopin Bicentennial Celebrations, she organized a live piano concert in Boston. She has worked for the Polish Foreign Ministry and the European Union Institute in Poland. Through her connections, she convinced Edyta and Alec from Dancing With The Stars to perform in Boston to 700 people. She was a press assistant to one of her favorite entreprenuers -Richard Branson. Sylvia also uses her network for the benefit of her local community. She is the performance coordinator for the MIT BDT group, recruiter for language translation projects, and ambassador for an organic clothing company.
Because Sylvia was born and raised in Poland in times of “iron courtain” she always dreamed to travel freerly and meet people from all different culture. Now she lives in Boston and have friends in every corner of the world. Currently, she works for a civil engineering firm and would like to be able to use her experience to develop a green house project in Cambridge sometime in a future
Sylvia’s role models are Richard Branson and MIT’s Noam Chomsky. She enjoys travel, running, biking, hiking, ballroom dancing, and yoga and most of all Boston and Bostonians. She finds a great pleaseure in every effort that can preserve the beauty of the city and well being of its inhabitants.
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We Blog the World (WBTW) was founded by Renee Blodgett whose initial goal was to cross pollinate ideas and stories across the globe with the hope of providing a deeper understanding of cultures foreign to our own. It has morphed from its earliest days and is today dedicated to Transformative Travel, at the crossroads of where adventure, wellness and luxury meet. From some of the most passionate voices on the web, you’ll find rich storytelling and photography from every continent. Read More.