“With her outstanding connections worldwide,
Renee is one of the most talented & respected pros out there. She’s a master at driving social strategies that create impactful results.”
Gail Scibelli, VP Marketing ORGANIC...
“Renee isn’t just a PR Pro & Blogger; She’s a strategic advisor & thinker who helps companies make the most of dollars – She’s a great find if you can get her!”
Dave Sifry, Founder, TECHNORATI...
“Renee bridges the gap between marketing & journalism. Her programs are a formula for success in the U.S. & globally.”
Loren Slocum, Award-winning AUTHOR & Leader for TONY ROBBINS LIFE MASTERY...
“Renee is Revolutionizing Travel & Blogging.”
Brad Kava, Ex-Broadcast Award-Winning Journalist, MERCURY NEWS...
“Renee “gets” it & yields great results for clients w/boundless energy, grace & integrity.”
Doug Free, VP TECHNICOLOR, Former PR Director MICROSOFT...
“Her astonishing results flow from getting us
pumped up about her clients.”
Bob Metcalfe, Co-Invented the ETHERNET & formulated METCALFE’s LAW, Founder 3COM...
“She’s a Leading Influencer in Circles That Count.”
Michael Tchong, Founder MACWEEK & UBERCOOL...
“Renee’s Programs Cut Thru the Noise to Build the Buzz & Mindshare Necessary for People, Companies & Ideas to Achieve Rapid Success.”
Ray Kurzweil, FUTURIST & AUTHOR...
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