Photo: Tangariro National Park
View snapshos of Auckland to Wellington
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When I arrived in New Zealand – I had no plan…very unlike me – but I was hoping for some magic...
Industry pal Polly LaBarre is co-author of Mavericks at Work, which I had to pleasure to learn about long before launch at a private dinner in San Francisco several months back.
She spoke at New...
Listen to what I am (and you are) missing in Camden Maine this week at PopTech. You can sample a bit of Rodrigo y Gabriela's music on their site.
From PopTech site (live coverage happening this...
Pronounced – ‘la-moo’
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View All Lamu Snapshots
We arrived in Lamu yesterday via a small 20 passenger plane and a very good looking your pilot! When we arrived at the small airfield it was lightly...
The Mass Leadership Council is hosting Dr. Alan Greenspan at their next meeting on September 25 at the Sheraton Boston. Greenspan will participate in a Q&A session covering future economic trends, the world economy,...
Blues and blacks: symbols of inspiration for writing, creating, dreaming. I probably dream in blue, and most certainly think in blue. Sometimes yellow enters in the distance; it softly blends with the soft blue...
One of the highlights of my meanderings around Paris was a visit to the Palais de Tokyo, a futuristic / modernist "museum" that has nothing to do with Tokyo but everything to do with technology,...
In a recent interesting exchange (as they always are) with Ray Kurzweil -- who I consult to on projects -- I pointed to a recent blog post on Tony Robbins and 'creating one's outcome.' Ray...
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