Bill Cleary is on the OnHollywood stage introducing a video about the endangered Gorillas on the Congo. Thanks to African bloggers on the ground for generating media attention, enough attention to put pressure on the...
Western Australia shows up in Austin for SXSW at BD Riley's Pub on East 6th Street at Brazos last week. The Panda Band, Andrew Winton and Groovylips and the Yang play....
Lakshmi Pratury talks about the lost art of letter writing on the TED stage in February....
There are things I miss about New England from time-to-time. This time of year is not one of them. They are getting hit with a major storm this week: surprise surprise. I wonder how many...
Check out book Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats and Why We Believe Them.
From Amazon:
"Among possible U.S. terrorist targets listed by the Department of Homeland Security are a petting zoo...
I walked into Paris’ Monop’ Bonjour near Place Dupleix last week, kind of like a Walgreens of the Americas on steroids or a British Marks & Sparks but with delicacies. Oodles of dark chocolate, wine...
For some reason, I keep noticing Laverie Libres in Paris.....does that mean there are free laundromats for French citizens should they not have enough Euros to clean their clothes? Just curious. I noticed it on...
Photo: Round mushroom in the Daintree Rain Forest
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I followed the yellow brick road to OZ…and finally – I learned why...
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