Web 2.0 Technologies is taking place at this year’s IMS event from December 2nd-4th, 2008 in London. Clay Shirky is doing the keynote....
South African innovation to be seen through the eyes of top bloggers on an upcoming blogger tour staring on November 29th. Some bloggers leave in less than a week, and are heading to Cape Town...
South Africa's growing economy may be slowing, but its appetite for energy is not. The nation has struggled to keep pace with its need for fuel and power and continues to expand its use of...
HuaiHai Institute of Technology
Today I had the pleasure of teaching some second-year students the intricacies of the sentence. I expounded on the endless joys and functions of this fundamental mode of communication. My students now...
An interesting short read (less than 100 pages) is Bohumil Hrabal's Too Loud a Solitude, a story of Hanta's 35 years as a compactor of wastepaper and books in a Czech police state. One review...
Below is the first of a dozen interviews I did with technology entrepreneurs at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. The responses are people's views of Obama's victory, particularly...
Check out the Kilili Self Help Project, an initiative that trains Kenyans in sustainable farming practices. It's interesting to note that half the graduates are women. The project supports the work of trained and certified...
I ran into some folks tonight who know the founders of the Q Fund, an organization dedicated to ensure a free education for vulnerable children so they can realize their dreams and talents. Yes, education,...
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