After the wonderful, thought-provoking cooking demonstrations at the Cooking for Solutions event, I wandered into the Monterey Bay Aquarium. As part of the weekend's events, there was a Sustainable Foods Information Fair inside the Aquarium...
Continuing my tour of Dutch cities you’ve probably never heard about: I went to Delft in February. On second thought, maybe you have heard of Delft, what with all the blue and all.
Either way, I...
If you aren't following the Sinica podcasts on Popup Chinese, you are missing some excellent commentary on current issues in China. This one is from two days ago, and it complements this post. It is...
This past weekend, I attended a great event at the Monterey Bay Aquarium called "Cooking for Solutions". It's an annual event in its ninth year, featuring celebrity chefs doing cooking demonstrations and speaking on sustainable...
Rock Paper Tiger, an up-to-the-minute, kaleidoscopic romp through contemporary China with some side-stops in US-occupied Iraq, is the first novel of Lisa Brackman, already well known as a blogger. She’s also one of my best...
Photos by MJ Klein
Recently, Hui-chen and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. We decided to spend it at the newly-built Sheraton Hotel in Jubei.
The room we stayed in was on the 21st floor. That is...
John Bell has a really great piece today on Facebook and brands - and why community pages don't really matter.Like most of my clients (and we're talking small companies, not Fortune 1000 brands), most brands...
Jeremiah Owyang put together an amazing social media expert list a few months ago (the people are doing it rather than consulting others how to) and I just came across a really cool Pearltree Foremski...
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