Head For The Hills! Shanghai Is Sinking!
The reports are in: Shanghai residents should roll up their pant legs and grab a pair of stilts while they still can. Shanghai is (ironically) on the way down...
I'm spending this week in Brazil at a conference organized by the world's largest IT analyst firm Gartner, and sponsored by Brasscom, (Brazilian Association of Information Technology and Communication Companies)South American IT companies have started...
Six hours in a car may not be your top way to spend a Saturday, but as far as road trips go, you can't get much better than Fallingwater. If you've ever have...
It seemed as though it took days for us to finally arrive at Denali National Park from Anchorage, even though our excursions through Wasilla and Talkeetna only lasted a couple of hours. It's about a...
Check out TuneWiki, a cool music site, which I learned about at last week's Israel Conference. The below video gives you a taste of what you can do using TuneWiki....I only wish it was a...
I met Carolyn Porco, Cassini's Imaging Team Leader at a PopTech several years ago. She is also the Director of CICLOPS/Space Science Institute based in Boulder, CO.I've always been fascinated by Carolyn's work for two...
Congrats. to the winners of the earrings... Thanks to those of you who signed up on our email list!!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
I'm busily making some jewels and getting ready for my trip to...
Crossposted from the Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet.
The Abooman Women’s Group in southern Ghana, “started off as a mixed group,” of women and men, says Fatima Addy, the Group’s leader. But today the group...
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