"Global warming doesn't affect our visceral emotions," says Harvard professor Daniel Gilbert in a session on happiness. And that's why, he acclaims that we as a society are not taking it seriously. It doesn't make...
Daniel Pink was on the PopTech stage this afternoon talking to us about 'empathy.' I met him last night at the opening reception on the waterfront where we talked about his background to-date, largely writing...
While we're on cognition, Dr. Louann Brizendine gives us a peak into the female brain, addressing an audience that comprises more than 600 men and women. Her book with the same title - The Female...
Chris Jordan is the first speaker on the PopTech stage this morning. He is one of the more inspiring speakers I have heard in awhile. So much emotion, so much passion, so much inspiration --...
When I think of my old haunt, in other words my old hood, in other words Boston, the first two things that come to mind is heading home late at night along Storrow Drive and...
There's another European Web 2.0 conference on the horizon. The event is launching in Berlin on November 5-8, 2007. Web 2.0 Expo Berlin is targeted to people who want an opportunity to access the designers,...
I finally finished Erik Larson's Devil in the White City, which I struggled through largely because my Boston book group which I rarely see is currently reading it and I'll be back there to attend...
Check out the Predictions Markets Cluster, an event held in London on October 11 and 12, 2007, which aims to examine prediction markets, collective intelligence networks and knowledge management.
Overview: huge strides have been made in...
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