Waking up around 4.30 in the crack of dawn is never fun. No, my insomniac very early rising in the last several weeks cannot be attributed to jet lag. No transcontinental travel, no apparent major...
Leafcutter ants in motion in the Ecuador rainforest. It seems like they never stop and it's actually quite soothing to watch them work....
Prior to moving to Roatan in 2007, I had taken cruises to various Caribbean Islands and enjoyed them all. Part of the fun was anticipating what each port of call would have to offer. But...
The INK Conference (which stands for Innovation and Knowledge) is coming to India later this year. The conference is being run by longtime TEDster Lakshmi Pratury, who co-hosted TEDIndia last year, which attracted a sold-out...
Hey friends! So I’m in New York City this week for a flood of world-changing, global thinking, innovative and inspiring conferences, meetups and opportunities. I’m also covering much of what is happening on a few...
Waosco who works at La Bascilia in Quito is Quechwe talks to me about his culture, his language and his life....
Click here to view the embedded video. Welcome to Social Good Day. Mashable and (Red) are the presenting sponsors of today’s efforts to use social media to raise awareness and brainstorm solutions for the issues...
South Africa’s world-famous Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens is a real natural haven for outdoor-lovers. The fresh air, soothing sounds of birds and bugs and aromas of the medley of local vegetation is an all-round sense-pleaser.
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