Although women farmers produce more than half of the food grown in the world—and roughly 1.6 billion women depend on agriculture for their livelihoods—they are often not able to benefit from general agriculture funding because...
I took alittle blogging break to focus on family but thought International Women's Day is a great time to jump back in! As moms across the world have done, I took some time to help...
Breweries are one the more recent companies to start thinking about their carbon footprint. With the help of a new, (almost) all-consuming piece of machinery, beer factories are starting to save energy by creating their...
We have world leaders, government representatives and UN members who all supposedly work towards creating a better world, but sometimes it’s not the officials who have all the answers. Sometimes the kids can teach us...
The postponed Charlie Rose interview with Ray Kurzweil and director Barry Ptolemy regarding the movie Transcendent Man is scheduled to air on PBS Tuesday March 8 (check schedules here for your zip code) and on...
Talk about a mystery. Where does a Tibetan kid in remote Litang get a set of wax vampire fangs? I mean, I had these things 60 years ago in West Virginia. Watching him play vampire...
We've blogged about The Carbon Quilt before, a universal tool that makes greenhouse gases visible. C02 emissions aren't the most tangible of things to measure in this world, but the folks behind The Carbon Quilt...
25 minutes before sunset has the best light. Early morning I see cold blues, but in the iteration just before it all goes away; the daylight catches colors and contrast like no other...
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