Paulie’s Pizza on 11th between Ludlow & Chestnut Streets....
A message seen on 10th & Arch Streets....
It was sort of like watching an old scruffy has been Kung Fu Master training a revenge seeking delinquent in a badly dubbed Saturday Afternoon TV special. Or Yoda showing moves to his hopeless prodigy....
On February 19, 2011, TEDxBerkeley will gather world-leading thinkers, makers, and doers at UC Berkeley to discuss the theme: “Engaging the World“. The audience will be a diverse yet curated mix of 1,400 students, professors, and thought...
This is one of those postings that instead of me babbling on and on trying to find the best words to describe another spectacular day on Roatan… I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves… sorta....
I'm certainly not new to dancing, nor am I new to drumming and chanting. That said, I experienced a powerful ritual recently that merges exercise, expression, empowerment, psychology and spiritual worship all under one roof....
This remarkable video is a great way of showing the possibilities and endless uses for the stuff lying around a room. Who knew that tinkering around with old stuff can produce such beautiful sounds. Film...
I went to see the play “South” by Hideki Noda at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space in Ikebukuro which I believe Hideki Noda is a director. The play itself was so interesting and at the same time...
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