As most of us here on day 2 we were glued to our TVs and media outlets. Such was my day here today. I shot the TV for it was what's in focus from the...
Below is a smattering of independent films that will be show in Austin this coming week for the annual SXSW Interactive and Film Festival. More details from the ground and after the event, after we've...
Farmers are a wealth of information. Many have developed kills and knowledge that others might benefit from to improve harvests and livelihoods. Organizations like the Africa Rice Center, are helping farmers to share skills and knowledge...
I discovered a fabulous photography blog/site this week. In its maze of categories and images, I came across a collection of fabulous fashion shots - fashion melted with nature that is. It's a wonderful share...
Sea of Flores, Indonesia; a boat off the coast of West Flores. Here in the tranquil waters between Indonesia and Australia are thousands of islands. They peak out as rolling green hills from a crystal clear...
Tony Hsieh announced in the Samsung Blogger Lounge at SXSW that they will be launching a new company based on the book Delivering Happiness. The new CEO will be Jenn Lim. The idea came about...
Liu Zhijun must have thought his prospects for pension and plans for retirement were pretty good, not to mention his legacy. He had it all: the highest ranking post in a department that was fast...
Below, I chat with Trendspottr's founder about their new application, which is a curation tool that brings what's relevant, compelling and popular around a particular topic at any given time. They are currently in private...
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