Reports are coming in that Instagram will be available as a listed in the BlackBerry app store. With a huge caveat that BlackBerry’s new OS allows Android apps to run, so this might be a very easy implementation for the Instagram devs to push out, it raises two points.
Consumers who ‘want Instagram on their phone’ because that’s what everyone on-line tells them they must have, will have no fear in picking up a BB10 handset. More importantly, it shows the love in the room for BlackBerry, because two years later Windows Phone is still waiting…

Ewan Spence is a blogger, author and writer based out of Edinburgh, Scotland. In addition to his own blog, he has contributed and contributes to BBC News, BBC Magazine (online), The Stage (UK Arts and Entertainment Newspaper), Computing (VNU), iProng Magazine, IT Pro, O’Reilly’s Make Magazine, Palmtop Magazine, Podcast User Magazine, UK Tech and UK Mobile Blognation, PDA Essentials, Mobile Messaging 2.0 and All About Symbian.
He wrote the book Rapid Mobile Enterprise Development for Symbian OS and has audio program commissions for BBC Radio 5 Live – Through the Night and Pods and Blogs, Computer Outlook Talk Radio Show and Talk 107. He also regularly speaks at and moderates panels at high profile technology conferences around the world.