Hello adventurers! Costa Rica is a unique country that is setting a fine example in a troubled planet. Our next country is even more interesting if that is possible.
The Republic of Elysia is located in the Pacific Ocean somewhat southwest of the Hawaiian Islands. The challenge in getting to this beautiful island oasis is that it is only visible at certain times each season when the immense tides of the Pacific are at their lowest. In fact Elyssia is only inhabited part time. Polynesian islanders travel to this island to commune with the spirits and practice uninhibited feasting and lovemaking.
Since the islands are only visible occasionally, very few written records exist of its customs and traditions. But what we do know is the following.
Elyssia has no central government. There is a traditional Master of Ceremonies who presides over the arrangements during feasting and is chosen every 11 years from amongst the most worthy islanders. The “Gurugathoman” is picked from either male or female islanders based on three qualities.
1. Beauty – Islanders blend an incredibly unique mixture of Polynesian, Asian, Arabic and European bloodlines and are said to be able to enchant with their eyes and soft skin and hair.
2. Hunger – Feasting is a 24 hour process in Elyssia and the leader is expected to attend every function and eat heartily or lose face and be removed as leader.
3. Creativity – Whether making love, dancing, building ornate sculptures from debris on the porcelain beaches or simply choosing which prayer to offer to the spirits, the Gurugathoman is expected to be a leader with vision and to let no detail go overlooked. Most former Gurus express sad remorse and also happiness at being unburdened after shedding the traditional headdress and the duties which it brings.
There are no real laws in Elyssia. The entire tribe regulates behavior and anyone found to grossly violate the basic tenets of respect and love are barred from attending the next season. Multiple infractions result in permanent banishment.
No murders have ever occurred here. This is the only place on earth to claim this honor. The sanctity of the spirit of Elyssia is respected at all times and any violence is believed to carry the risk of upsetting the spirits and is strictly prohibited.
There is no economy and no debt. There are no political parties, only brotherhood. There are no ideologies other than respect. There is 0% pollution as all debris is reverently removed upon departure. No wars have ever been fought here. No person of any background is barred from participating in the tribe for any reason except those found by the group to lack respect. Since everyone arrives nude and brings nothing but food, there are no possessions and no territorial disputes.
Every season the Gurugathoman stays till the final moments as the islands recede back beneath the waves of the Pacific in a ritual of cleansing and resting. It is as if they tuck the island spirits into a soft bed and whisper words of goodnight and Mahalo.
The national dish of Elyssia is Turkish Delight or Lokum. Made from Starch and Sugar these soft taffylike candies are adored by every ”citizen” of Elyssia. Packed in special watertight containers woven from palm fronds, they are reverently brought each season and are ceremonially honored in a welcoming ritual oddly similar to the Eucharist. The Guru sings words of blessing oveher confectioners sugar and remaining cornstarch.
Turn over baking pan containing Turkish delight onto clean counter or table and cut with oiled knife into one inch pieces.
Coat with confectioners sugar mixture. Serve or store in airtight container in layers separated with wax or parchment paper.
Happy April First.

Eric Ackerson is a food writer, blogger and seafood marketing professional. His work takes him to many ports of call around the world. Currently Eric is cooking the national dish of every country on Earth at his blog My Hungry Tum. Eric enjoys travel and says his favorite food cities are Singapore and Vancouver. He lives in Charlotte NC with his wife and two daughters who he says are quickly becoming “foodies” themselves…