Hui-chen and I just returned to Taiwan from vacation and found that some more work had been done on the road behind our house. As you may recall last time, the sidewalks had been broken up and removed. That was back in January. Now it appears that the sidewalks have been finished.
Notice how holes have been made to fit around the trees.
Compare the same area as it was back in January.
Today it looks a lot better and also more useful as a sidewalk.
But even as new as this work is, they’ve already cut into it and dug it up for some reason, as this patch would indicate. It seems that some kind of work is always being done and patches are being laid, sometimes on top of one another as work progresses.
I’m not sure what they are doing down at the corner, but it requires a crane.
It’s going to take awhile as they have put up a rather permanent-looking fence around the construction site.
Former field engineer MJ Klein now lives in Taiwan, and writes articles that primarily feature photographs of travels of MJ and wife Hui-chen, plus daily goings on in the bustling island nation of Taiwan, and other places in Asia. Articles feature people, culture, food, situations and sometimes the trials and tribulations of traveling in places such as China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Laos and of course Taiwan.