We’ve been to Yong-an quite a few times but on this particular occasion, we specifically wanted to check out one of those quads (4-wheeled cycle) and take the whole family for a ride. The Yong-am District (Yǒng’ān Qū) is a coastal suburban district of Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan.
This is the biggest quad they have so we rented it for the rest of the day and headed out to the road along the beach where I’ve ridden my trike before.
After returning the quad, we drove up to the fish market and went inside.
As usual, there were all kinds of stuff on sale.
Sashimi is very popular in Taiwan.
Breaktime over, we went back inside so HC could buy something to cook for dinner.
She got some fried oysters here. They were really good. We got some fresh live shrimp from another place.
Lastly, we got some clams from this vendor. It pays to walk around and check out before you buy though, because 5 minutes after buying these clams, we found another vendor on the other side of the market, selling the exact same items for less money.

Former field engineer MJ Klein now lives in Taiwan, and writes articles that primarily feature photographs of travels of MJ and wife Hui-chen, plus daily goings on in the bustling island nation of Taiwan, and other places in Asia. Articles feature people, culture, food, situations and sometimes the trials and tribulations of traveling in places such as China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Laos and of course Taiwan.