Friday, December 1, 2006
For the next two days, we will be travelling the Drake Passage. The waters are slightly rough today owing to the fact that we are travelling north as the winds blow east to west. By sunrise tomorrow, we will be at Cape Horn, having past through the worst of it all.
This morning we heard a lecture about whales. Some of the passengers saw a few of them over the last few days, but I did not. It’s still very early in the migratory season for them. In about a month, viewings will be more plentiful.
A few notes about whales:
The rest of the day was rather quiet with passengers going out to the deck to enjoy the scenery for one of the last times. Towards the afternoon, a number of passengers (myself included) started to feel a little queasy which afforded us a good excuse to catch up on some reading or sleeping. There were quite a few empty chairs at dinner as many just kept to their rooms or requested room service as a way of coping with some of the seasickness.
Tomorrow: Final thoughts and the manufacturing nexus….

David W. Kralik is manager of the Silicon Valley office & director of Internet strategy at American Solutions, founded by former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. In 2008, Kralik was honored as one of the “Top Ten Changing the World of Internet and Politics,” for his work on the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” campaign which garnered 1.5 million signatures for its online petition.