In September, we headed to the AfterLife Symposium in Scottsdale Arizona. I like to call it our first mediumship conference, largely because it attracts so many mediums of all kinds: mental, trance, physical and beyond, all with their own unique gift. The event is really about all things related to the afterlife and is said to be the largest Afterlife Symposium in the world.
AfterLife Symposium
The AfterLife Symposium, which is focused about the realms after we leave our physical form, features talks and workshops by 50 pioneering experts on afterlife communication and end-of-this life transitions.
Over the course of a few days, we heard from leading researchers, mediums, academics, artists, scientists, philosophers and practitioners about what really happens after we die, how to connect with our loved ones and pets in the spiritual realms, life’s purpose on this planet, and most importantly, what the dead want us to know about living.
In that data is information you can share with people that proves the afterlife is real and how to have near-death intensive experiences yourself.
Science, data and research are catching up, so I was thrilled to hear the latest of what physics is telling us about our eternal natures, the truth about what afterlife communication research has discovered, and the newest developments in recording voices from the afterlife. Be sure to listen to my interview with one of the founding directors of the AfterLife Symposium Dr. R. Craig Hogan in Scottsdale.
On-site, they also included demonstrations from physical mediums, such as renowned UK-based Scott Milligan. We tuned into how everyday mothers and fathers have learned to record voices of their children in the afterlife, how to hold physical mediumship sessions (seances), the exciting developments in new, dynamic physical mediumship circles and more. Rob Blackburn also gave a talk on physical mediumship.

Rob Blackburn on physical mediumship
Some of the workshops included Rosemary Ellen Guiley, who led a workshop on communicating using a black mirror (yes, really), Dr. Ann Clark, head of Research at the Newton Institute and David Thompson who ran a workshop on The Seance Room and Beyond.
For those not familiar with the Newton Institute, it was started by Dr. Michael Newton who authored a bunch of books including Memories of the Afterlife, Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy and was the original force behind Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy.

Dr. Ann Clark of the Newton Institute
Scott Milligan on Altered States, Tina Powers on spirit messages, Mary Beth Mank who spoke about Romance Across the Veil, Melinda Kushner on Your Soul’s Journey, Gretchen Bickert on Sound healing and Susanne Wilson on “Messages from Spirit.”
I attended a fascinating session with Psychic Lawyer Mark Anthony as well as a workshop with Psychic Medium Mark Christopher Nelson who has the gift of Psychometry — how to read people by holding objects.
Be sure to listen to our interview with Mark Christopher Nelson, which includes video snippets from his demo on-site (he even “read” Anthony after picking up his cross on the table and me from holding a ring given to me by my mother).
Then, Walter Semkiw, M.D., talked about how evidence of reincarnation could create a more peaceful world and Dr. Sheri Perl Migdol gave a talk on her journey from skeptic to healer.

Dr. Sheri Perl Migdol
Cyrus Kirkpatrick rebutted misconceptions about the afterlife, where as Stafford Betty, Ph.D. answered questions about the afterlife and William Peters, MTR, M.Ed. shared stories of crossings and glimpses of the afterlife. I was happy to see a panel address bereavement, since so many who aren’t sure if there is an afterlife continue to mourn.
Mary Holden moderated a panel on how to publish your own books with Dr. R. Craig Hogan, Joseph M. Higgins and Susan Barnes, CSNU.

Panel on Self Publishing
AfterLife Questions
Some sessions explored the core questions we all think about or perhaps have even dabbled with:
- What we know about dream afterlife visitations?
- How have spirits affected history?
- What are the common types of entities which can affect you?
- Is there any evidence for reincarnation?
- What are the real truths about Ouija boards? (led by Karen A. Dahlman)
- How can you have afterlife connections yourself?
- How are parents linking with children in Spirit?
- How can groups have afterlife communications?
AfterLife Symposium directors Victor and Wendy Zammit led a session entitled “What really happens when we die and how do we know?” Victor also presented facts and research proving afterlife and the naysayers who continue to disbelieve.

Victor Zammit

Wendy Zammit

Susanne Wilson, The Carefree Medium
We did a Blue Soul Chat with Sandra Champlain who has been exploring the truth about life, death, grief, and what might lie beyond for over fifteen years. As a long time skeptic, it was her own fear of death and dying which led her to research that might alleviate her pain.

Chatting with Sandra Champlain in Scottsdale
She wrote the book We Don’t Die to help empower people who are going through grief or fear — she has a radio show with the same name. Be sure to watch our interview with her at the event.
In addition, we heard stories about afterlife crossings, learned about the technology which exists today to record afterlife voices, explored the various facts about the afterlife and experienced an uplifting experience known as The Angel Wash started by Soul Proof founder, author and visionary Dr. Mark Pitstick (be sure to watch our interview with him which includes video snippets from the Angel Wash).

The Angel Wash at the AfterLife Symposium
In the Angel Wash, recipients walk slowly with their eyes closed during a five minute experience between two lines of people who send unconditional love to them — it’s very balancing and cleansing for your chakras.
“This healing shower washes any of the lower energy emotions, recharges them and invites them to remember who they are.” — Dr. Mark Pitstick

Chatting with Dr. Mark Pitstick at the AfterLife Symposium
Through Mark’s work at SoulProof, he addresses grieving the loss of a loved one (person or pet), helps getting people through their own fears of death & dying, as well as their struggle with the suicide of a loved one.
His work and content also helps with those suffering with difficulties such as broken relationships, physical/ mental illness, financial loss, lack of purpose and loved ones with addictions.
Like we aim to do with our work at Blue Soul Earth, Mark helps people better wrestle with fear-based religious teachings about hell, harsh judgment from “God”, only one way to heaven, sin, one true religion, etc. He helps people who are searching for sensible, evidence-based answers to your biggest questions about life, death and that we are all are “an integral and infinite part of Source Energy/God.” The Angel Wash is just one of the techniques he uses in his work.
Speaking of angels, one of my favorite talks (and encounters) was with Ann Albers, who specializes in angel communication. An author, spiritual instructor and modern mystic, she’s funny, raw and authentic and does an amazing job teaching and guiding others on their spiritual path using simple techniques. Be sure to listen to my video interview with Ann Albers on-site at the DoubleTree in Scottsdale — it includes some video of Ann presenting at the conference as well.

Ann Albers on stage
As someone who once had a career as an engineer but was miserable doing it, she had to give up her old life and analytical way of thinking and trust in something larger than herself…outside herself.
Once she did, she began to experience dreams and coincidences, teachers and healers appeared and she suddenly learned the language of silence and to discern the rich tapestry of signs and symbols. And, once she trusted in the Universe and beyond, she started receiving messages from angels.
“In this hectic world we need a time & place to soothe our spirits, remember our dreams and reconnect with a deeper vision of ourselves as souls.” — Ann Albers
Ann has trained under shamans, mystics, channels, mediums, and a variety of other spiritual teachers. Her constant mentors, she says, “are the angels and masters that work with her during her readings for others, and continue guide her both in the waking dream of other-dimensional realities and in her own life.”

When connecting to our Spirit Team, a powerful angel of light came through Anthony for Ivory with a message of love.
Another amazing medium who specializes in angel connection is Sedona-based Ivory LaNoue. Her spiritual gifts are evidential mediumship, psychic, angelic communication, spiritual counseling, healing and teaching.
I had an amazing session with her at the AfterLife Symposium — I could “feel” the energy of the angels in the room and her reading and insights were profound and powerful.
She is a clear channel which means she does not need to use any tools to do a reading and timelines are one of her specialties. Ivory has developed an interesting reading/session called “Meet Your Angelic Guides” which she did with me, where you learn who your master angel is, your guardian angel and so on.
The angels which comes through during this process stem far beyond the standard angels and archangels that we more commonly know.
Be sure to listen to the video interview we did with her in Scottsdale where our guides also came through Anthony to connect with her. She’s of pure light and love — we really love her energy.

Ivory LaNoue
We have written about the power of sound for healing several times, the most recent being the Sound Healing Conference we attended in San Francisco. Music and sound is integral to our work as well, so we couldn’t be more thrilled to meet and hear Robin Miller who is a new age musician, and internationally acclaimed performing artist, composer and songwriter based in Sedona.
Robin’s mission in playing his music, “is to assist all who hear it to experience a deeper level of love and joy within themselves.” Robin uses guitar, keyboard, mandolin, bass and percussion and it’s as if the angelic realm communicate and ride off the vibrations and frequencies from his music — it’s magical to listen to him play! Medical practitioners, message therapists, hypnotherapists, healers, and other body workers use Robin’s angelic music to soothe and relax their patients.
Be sure to watch the Blue Soul Chat we did with him at the AfterLife Symposium, which includes snippets of his music when he played keyboard on-site at the event. Anthony and I both find that we connect deeper when we listen to his music — it’s so powerful and so beautiful.

Keyboard player & musician Robin Miller
There was also a table of books and CD‘s loaded with content about the afterlife, your Soul‘s Purpose and beyond.
AfterLife Symposium Takeaway
For anyone who is interested in expanding their consciousness and exploring the realms beyond what Science can currently explain, the AfterLife Symposium is an amazing event to engage with spiritual teachers & mediums, explore the afterlife, learn from others and meet some amazing people.

Renee Blodgett, Ann Albers – AfterLife Symposium in Scottsdale
Below is a video summary of the AfterLife Symposium — be sure to tune into our YouTube channel for more inspiration as well.
For more on the AfterLife Symposium, visit their website. Also visit our section on Spiritual Events for more inspiration.

Renee Blodgett is the founder of We Blog the World. The site combines the magic of an online culture and travel magazine with a global blog network and has contributors from every continent in the world. Having lived in 10 countries and explored nearly 80, she is an avid traveler, and a lover, observer and participant in cultural diversity.
She is also the CEO and founder of Magic Sauce Media, a new media services consultancy focused on viral marketing, social media, branding, events and PR. For over 20 years, she has helped companies from 12 countries get traction in the market. Known for her global and organic approach to product and corporate launches, Renee practices what she pitches and as an active user of social media, she helps clients navigate digital waters from around the world. Renee has been blogging for over 16 years and regularly writes on her personal blog Down the Avenue, Huffington Post, BlogHer, We Blog the World and other sites. She was ranked #12 Social Media Influencer by Forbes Magazine and is listed as a new media influencer and game changer on various sites and books on the new media revolution. In 2013, she was listed as the 6th most influential woman in social media by Forbes Magazine on a Top 20 List.
Her passion for art, storytelling and photography led to the launch of Magic Sauce Photography, which is a visual extension of her writing, the result of which has led to producing six photo books: Galapagos Islands, London, South Africa, Rome, Urbanization and Ecuador.
Renee is also the co-founder of Traveling Geeks, an initiative that brings entrepreneurs, thought leaders, bloggers, creators, curators and influencers to other countries to share and learn from peers, governments, corporations, and the general public in order to educate, share, evaluate, and promote innovative technologies.