As a new dusting of snow fell on Canmore I strapped up my boots, put on my crampons and started my week of conquering my fear of heights in the Canadian Rockies. This week I found myself higher than I felt comfortable with most of the time. Yet it seemed that when I was at my breaking point, there was a voice – a voice of a stranger urging me on and providing encouragement from below. Canmore is full of athletic people, and it’s also full of really supportive people.
I started the 2nd week in Alberta with more ‘firsts’ I learned how to climb on ice and climb on a wall for the first time. I felt as if I had a lot of new things to try to absorb at once when it came to ice climbing – rope skills, verbal commands, knot tying, and climbing technique – oh yes, and it was really cold! For the indoor wall portion I had the joy of meeting and learning from Sharon Wood, the first North American female to summit Everest in 1986. She told me that climbing is more mental than physical; we can always get stronger – but it’s our mind that holds us back. A good thing to consider as I was 75% of the way up the wall and feeling like the world was spinning and my arms were about to give out. While I could hear the words of encouragement wafting up from below, I gave myself a little mental pep talk and somehow made it to the top – and it felt fabulous!
However, while doing all of these new things, it didn’t take me long to get injured. I’ll be sacrificing my big toenail to the climbing Gods thanks to kicking a little too vigorously while ice climbing. Some people get the screaming barfies, and some people get hammer toe and lose toe nails…I’m in the latter group. Yup – in about a month or so I’ll be saying goodbye to a close friend, my right big toenail – I’ll be sure to Instagram that when it happens!
Besides new adventures I continued to get settled in to my new home for the month. This means trips to the grocery store, cooking dinner in my kitchen, and super exciting things like taking out trash. Life with a home – I forgot what it was like! I’ve also been continuing my hot yoga trying my best to do a one legged downward dog until my big toe swelling subsides.
Overall I am loving my new home base surrounded by mountains in Canmore – the people, the walking/running trails, the athleticism, the maple flavored everything – it’s definitely worth sacrificing a toenail for!
Out for a run in Canmore. I have been exploring the trails & bridges around town in this wk of gorgeous weather. But tomorrow snow is on the way! #SeeSnowDifferently
On the ice today for the first time! It was tough to get the hang of ice climbing but even tougher to regulate temperature. My feet were strangely cold even in these massive boots.. Note to self – next time get foot and hand warmers!
The city of Canmore has great little trails that weave through the town center reminding you that Mother Nature is the mayor if this town!
Standing strong. Hopefully all of this yoga will help me w my upcoming snowy adventures in #Alberta ! And no – I’m just the photographer – that was my instructor posing for me after I spent the class staring at the beautiful Rocky Mountain backdrop!
I love waking up with that morning glow! #SeeSnowDifferently
I’m in love with all things maple. #explorecanada @nourishbistro in Banff.
Elevation Place in Canmore is the town’s indoor playground. It has everything – gym, fitness classes, pool, coffee shop, and a climbing wall. I’ll be perching myself on that climbing wall (for the first time) w the help/instruction from Sharon Wood – the 1st woman from N. America to summit Mt. Everest. Umm – yes- I’m super excited!
Climb on! Took climbing lessons today at Elelvation Place in Canmore. What an incredible facility & super place to learn a new adventure activity! #explorealberta
Now we’re talkin’ – snow baby! In Banff for the weekend and the snow arrived just in time! Heading out in a night ice canyon walk – should be gorgeous tonight! #SeeSnowDifferently

Sherry Ott is a refugee from corporate IT who is now a long term traveler, blogger, and photographer. She’s a co-founder of, a website offering career break travel inspiration and advice.
Additionally, she runs an around the world travel blog writing about her travel and expat adventures at