Blue-Footed Boobies KNOW How to Mate

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It’s hard not to fall in love with the Blue-Footed Boobies in the Galapagos Islands, even if you don’t consider yourself a ‘bird person.’ These delightful creatures are engaging, absolutely beautiful and funny. They are known to do one of the most comical courtship displays in the bird world; pairs lift their feet one at a time and wave them in the air. Then they repeat it again, all while making a lot of loud noises.

The Galapagos Islands are one of the few places in the world where boobies can still be approached closely and here, they seem to have no fear of humans. Boobies fly gracefully, plunging from great heights into shoals of fish like airborne torpedoes, then they settle on the ground for a little dance, a little walk and of course to sleep. While on some of the islands, it may appear that there are plenty of them however, they’re the rarest of the ‘bobby’ birds, with only some 250,000 pairs left. Nazca booby sightings were also plentiful during our hikes, whose features include black and white plumage and an easily identifiable yellow bill.

They largely live off fish and they’re most common in Espanola (Punta Suarez), which is where we saw most of them. Below, in the first video, you’ll see the Blue Footed Boobies from a distance – flying in the sky, flying and then landing and walking. You’ll also see two up close, who later, get a little active. In the second video, you’ll see them kiss and flirt. In the third one, you’ll see them have sex and then do the mating dance.

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