What’s the state with the most National Parks? Size matters – Alaska of course! However they don’t have the most parks just because they are big, Alaska has another really important element – some of the most beautiful wilderness and mountains I’ve ever seen in America! I spent this week exploring a number of them – or simply getting to and from them in this vast state.
Recently, I visited Denali National Park, Kenai Fjords National Park, and Wrangell St. Elias National Park. In order to get to these remote parks I drove, took the train, flew in bush planes and float planes, and also boated in; getting there is really half the fun when is comes to Alaska’s National Parks. Thanks to Alaska’s unpredictable weather and wilderness, I even got stuck in one of the parks this week. But being stuck in a luxury lodge that peers out on a glacier and has a stocked bar isn’t a bad place to be stranded. The parks are a wilderness playground; I hiked on glaciers, as well as in temperate rainforest, and I spotted Humpbacks, Orcas, Steller Sea Lions, and plenty of Sea Otters.
I’m wrapping up my time soon in Alaska sadly – but just in time as it’s getting chilly here and autumn has already arrived – soon there will be snow!
Going to the park less traveled. Welcome to Wrangell St Elias National Park – the largest national park – 13.2 million acres. Over 6 times the size of Yellowstone. Only two poorly maintained roads lead into this vast area & no rental cars allowed so I flew in on a 6 seater plane. I ooohed and aaaaahhhed the whole way due to scenes like this one outside my window.
The Holgate Glacier part of the Harding Ice Field in Alaska. Glaciers look so simple from a distance but when you get up close to these giant glaciers its anything but simple. This one even put on a show for us and calved while we were floating by! Such a loud roar!
Ghost Trees – formed when sea water flooded the area. The salt water killed the tree and the roots, but it also petrified it too in a way. These ghost trees have been standing for well over 50 years like this….
If you are going to get stuck somewhere due to a big storm – this is a good place to be stranded! Alaska can be unpredictable – My one night stay at Kenai Glacier Lodge turned into 3 nights due to high winds.
Out of all of the places you can be stuck due to a storm, a remote lux lodge near Pedersen Glacier isn’t bad! Here’s my little cabin view for the last 3 days at Kenai Glacier Lodge.
Sunrise this morning on my patio. #travelAlaska
Alaska railroad’s route to Seward takes you through mountains, near fjords, and glaciers.it was 4 hours of gasping and pointing.
One of the beautiful things about Alaska is that it’s a place you can go to unplug and get away from it all. Like this isolated house in the backcountry only reachable by float plane or boat. Who would like to live here?!
It may only be Sep 2nd – but it’s autumn already in Alaska! My view on my Glenn Hwy drive this morning!
There’s nothing better than having lunch on a glacier. Spent the entire day in Wrangell St Elias National Park hiking on the Root Glacier looking at crevices, tunnels, moulins, and generally being in total awe of nature. It makes you wonder what the landscape will look like in 10,000 yrs!
Out watching the salmon swim upstream today near Seward. I think they have the most fascinating and tortuous lifecycle in the animal kingdom. The Arctic Tern is a close second. Salmon season means we are armed with bear spray!

Sherry Ott is a refugee from corporate IT who is now a long term traveler, blogger, and photographer. She’s a co-founder of Briefcasetobackpack.com, a website offering career break travel inspiration and advice.
Additionally, she runs an around the world travel blog writing about her travel and expat adventures at Ottsworld.com.com.