Bolivia tourism is commonly overlooked due to the popularity of its neighbors: Argentina, Brazil, and Peru. While one can’t argue there are a lot of things to do in all three countries don’t fail to notice all of the Bolivia attractions. What other countries can claim the world’s most dangerous road (the death road or death highway) and the ability to walk on water? Yes that’s right I said it, walking on water in Bolivia, its one of the many Bolivia attractions to take part of. Here are the top 5 Bolivia attractions:
La Paz
La Paz is the capital of the country providing many of your Bolivia tourist attractions. There are countless Museums to visit for any avid art fan or fans of artifacts. Many of those museums are housed in colonial buildings in the old city of Calle Jean. Sagarnarga street is the main drag any tourist would want to visit. The markets also are a must see, focus on the Mercado de la brujas (witch market that will blow your mind) and Mercado negro. One of the popular Bolivia attractions is Valle de La Luna where various rock formations will astound you. Peñas, or clubs that provide live music, also are a big hit in La Paz. While the party scene is not as big as New York City, you can still have a great time and meet a local Boliviana and Bolivano (whatever your preference).
La Paz surrounding areas
Titicaca lake is home to breathtaking scenery and countless Bolivian legends. It is the highest lake in the Americas and the largest in South America spanning over 3,200 square miles (that’s big). The islands that sit in the lake are one of the very popular Bolivia attractions. Here you can explore the history of Isla del Luna and Isla del Sol (Island of the moon and Island of the sun). On your way to the lake don’t forget to stop at Tiwanaku which is an important archeological site. This site is known as an important predecessor to the Inca civilization.
Uyuni, Bolivia
Okay you caught me you really can’t walk on water but you can take a few pictures and pretend to! This is one of the most incredible places on Earth. It’s actually the largest Salt Flat in the world presiding 4,000 miles above sea level (Sorry Utah). In the winter (the rainy season) the sky is completely clear and creates a white out affect. Tour guides say the best to visit Uyuni is in the dry season between April and October. The picture above is from the rainy season which speaks for itself. Due to the distance its best to find a Bolivia tour to take you to the site.
Los Yungas, Bolivia
We have the widest road in the world in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Avenida 9 de Julio). The longest road in the world can be found in Toronto, Canada (Yonge Street). I now present to you ladies and gentlemen the most dangerous road in the world: The North Yungas Road, more commonly known as The Death Road. Over 200 people die a year on the treacherous winds around the mountain. A Bolivia tour would be recommended especially with such a high death toll. Take a look at this ABC video:
If you are not the risk taker you can try safer Bolivia attractions such as trekking, hiking, climbing, and mountain biking, and kayaking.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this city has an immense amount of history. The mines of the city were so rich in silver it was once one of the most wealthy and largest cities in Latin America. To get your Bolivia sightseeing fix, there are many colonial churches to see. You can also add a mining tour to your list of Bolivia activities.
While not on the list, another great Bolivia attraction is the quaint city of Santa Cruz. If you have extra time definitely add it to your Bolivia Trip. For more Bolivia attractions and things to do around the world check out our Top 5 section!
Featured photo courtesy of dirjournal

Marcello Arrambide considers himself a fanatical entrepreneur. During his younger years, when CD burning software first came out, he burned CD’s and sold them for $5 to $10 a piece, worked at a bakery and took the leftovers to school and sold them to students for breakfast the next morning. He flew to New York City and found a contact in China to have purses and wallets shipped him directly to sell.
He has since tried sales, real estate, software and day trading, where he coaches others to learn and develop their skill in the market. He plans to show everyone how easy living and moving overseas can be on your own terms as long as you have high speed internet and a computer.