An inspiring journey deserving of recognition!
A Guinness Record was set by an amazing family – Let’s support their fight as they seek to receive the recognition they deserve.
At the heart, the family travel community is just that, a community. As a community, we support each others’ journey, offer advice and support, whenever needed. That is the nature of community. That is the nature of our global family. And that is the nature & purpose of today’s Guest Post.
Miro & I are privileged to be connected to many inspirational families online. One particular family spent the last three years following their dream. This amazing family of four, (Mom, Dad and twelve-year-old twin boys Davy & Daryl) have bicycled from Alaska to Argentina. Quite an accomplishment, right??!! When they reached the southernmost tip of South America, Davy and Daryl became the new Guinness World Record holders as the youngest people to cycle the Pan-American Highway! Or, so that’s what they thought.
We hope you enjoy this guest post, written by Kimberly Travaglino of Fulltime Families Magazine in support of and their current struggle to gain recognition for their amazing accomplishment.
I dare you, Guinness!
written by Kimberly Travaglino
Admit it! You held your breath ‘til you turned blue in the face… You ran around your block 172 times, until your legs felt like jell-o and you could run no more. You dreamed of kissing that hunky guy for two weeks straight.
You did this because someone else in the world was the current Guinness Book World Record Holder and if you could just beat them, even by a millisecond, your name would be forever upheld among the ranks of global record holders.Now think back to your 10-year-old self. What if you really had a shot at Guinness stardom? What if your parents were crazy enough to take a three year sabbatical, and cycle with you from Alaska to the southern tip of Argentina? Would you hop on your bike and ride off into the sunset? You bet you would!
And that’s just what Davy and Daryl Vogel (the twin sons of Nancy and John Vogel from Boise, ID) did on June 8, 2008.
During their 2 and a ½ year journey, my family transitioned from a middle class American family, to a fulltime rv living family. We drove thousands of miles, while the Vogel’s biked.We toured 14 states, while the Vogel’s biked. Many of those driving miles were spent discussing the Vogel’s odyssey and comparing it to our adventure… While we thought we were really roughing it in our 35ft fifth wheel, when we checked our facebook, we saw how the Vogel’s were roughing it… Getting dental work done in South America, chasing down would be bike thieves’ only weeks from their finish date.
All of Facebook was abuzz as they closed in on the “end of the world” and I remember posting to Nancy how melancholy I was feeling as they neared their final mile. Her family’s journey had been such an inspiration to our family – even though I have yet to meet them in person – I felt I knew them – and was secretly hoping they would just keep going!
Now there is a new chapter in this epic saga. Before their launch, Nancy contacted the Guinness Book of World Records and was told if the boys completed the trek they would be international record holders.
Remember, these were 10 year old boys (when they started – they are now 13).Guinness is a BIG DEAL to a 10 year old boy! Think of the clout the title holds in middle school! You know if you have been an international record holder, no one would have noticed your braces or that bad perm!
But somewhere during the journey, Guinness changed the rules and is denying Davy and Daryl their record. The reason is way beyond a half wit like me – maybe this mumbo jumbo makes sense to you:
“Unfortunately, we at Guinness World Records, have decided to rest this record, meaning we have decided to no longer recognize the category as a record, due to the fact that the record would reach an age where a person would no longer be able to break it or attempt (i.e. a two-year old attempting to do it) and as it would become limited under these terms, we choose to to no longer recognize it as a category.”
Aren’t all their records “limited” in some way or another?
Although it goes without saying that the achievement of these brave boys is no less amazing just because GWR refuses to recognize it – the fact remains, that with every mile they peddled, they pictured themselves in that book. I have no doubt, uphill, downhill, in sunny weather and against pelting rain, they found the strength to peddle a little further and a little faster because there would we a Guinness certificate in their future.
Shame on your Guinness for letting these boys (your target market) down. While they endured years of cycling – you sat in your cushy offices, resting and resurrecting records at will. I dare you to stand by your word and honor these young men as you had promised to do in 2008. And I double dog dare you to hold your breath for 18 min 33 seconds – and see how you feel when we send you a denial letter.
Just the Facts, Ma’am:
provided by Nancy from
Spring 2008 – received guidelines from Guinness World Records outlining exactly what we needed to do
June 2008 – we left from Prudhoe Bay. The boys were 10
March 2009 – wrote to ask question of GWR about rules. They had since changed the rules, but stated they would abide by the guidelines they had originally given us.
March 2011 – we reached Ushuaia, Argentina after nearly three years on the road. We cycled 17,300 miles through fifteen countries. The boys were 13.
June 2011 – we submitted the documentation to GWR exactly as they had outlined in the guidelines from 2008
July 25 – received an email stating they had denied our claim: “Unfortunately, we at Guinness World Records, have decided to rest this record, meaning we have decided to no longer recognize the category as a record, due to the fact that the record would reach an age where a person would no longer be able to break it or attempt (i.e. a two-year old attempting to do it) and as it would become limited under these terms, we choose to to no longer recognize it as a category.”
July 26 – received an email from records management from Guinness World Records stating: “the primary reason for which we could not accept your effort is because our Records Management Team has taken the position, since 2009, to not monitor unsuitable records achieved or submitted by people younger than 16, unless the record is sanctioned by an internationally recognized organization or federation. This aligns such categories with the decisions taken by organizations such as the International Gymnastics Federations to only allow competitors older than 16 or the World Sailing Speed Record Council to only allow those aged 18 and older to participate in solo voyages.”

Lainie Liberti is a recovering branding expert, who’s career once focused on creating campaigns for green – eco business, non-profits and conscious business. Dazzling clients with her high-energy designs for over 18 years, Lainie lent her artistic talents to businesses that matter. But that was then.
In 2008, after the economy took a turn, Lainie decided to be the change (instead of a victim) and began the process of “lifestyle redesign,” a joint decision between both her and her 11-year-old son, Miro. They sold or gave away all of of their possessions in 2009 and began a life of travel, service, and exploration. Lainie and her son Miro began their open-ended adventure backpacking through Central and South America. They are slow traveling around the globe allowing inspiration to be their compass. The pair is most interested in exploring different cultures, contributing by serving, and connecting with humanity as ‘global citizens.’
Today Lainie considers herself a digital nomad who is living a location independent life. She and her son write and podcast their experiences from the road at Raising Miro on the Road of Life.