While there are many Bueno Aires barrios (Bueno Aires neighborhoods), many haven’t heard of Puerto Madero. A rather new area it shows the revitalization of Buenos Aires and shows off the pride the people have always had for the city. Laying next to rio de la plata (the river plate) its one of the new Buenos Aires barrios. Many still prefer to find accommodation in San Telmo Argentina and also the trendy Recoleta area.

Marcello Arrambide considers himself a fanatical entrepreneur. During his younger years, when CD burning software first came out, he burned CD’s and sold them for $5 to $10 a piece, worked at a bakery and took the leftovers to school and sold them to students for breakfast the next morning. He flew to New York City and found a contact in China to have purses and wallets shipped him directly to sell.
He has since tried sales, real estate, software and day trading, where he coaches others to learn and develop their skill in the market. He plans to show everyone how easy living and moving overseas can be on your own terms as long as you have high speed internet and a computer.