When I first starting blogging in 2006 one of the first people I followed on Twitter was Guy Kawasaki.
He already had a successful business career and was one of the early ones to fully realize the potential of social media.
I also read Guy Kawasaki’s books. His tips are explained in a authentic way that helped me understand the intricacies of business and social media, and he reinforces these key messages by reaching out to his community with presentations and social media events.
One of my favorite social media events was the USS Nimitz Blogger Embark, which Guy, I and a team of bloggers went on together.
Last week I interviewed Kawasaki about his book Enchantment for a REP Interactive video (more details to come on my video).
Using his hints and tips were invaluable to me; I now have my own online brand, TechMama, so I can say his tips worked! I looked forward to reading Enchantment to learn more.
Deal alert, read on to find out details..
Guy Kawasaki and Beth Blecherman talking about Guy's book "Enchantment" during a REP Interactive video.
Guy Kawasaki’s most recent book, Enchantment, “explains how to influence what people will do while maintaining your highest standards of ethics“. Enchantment is about a journey – bringing to market a cause, more than a temporary or shallow relationship to get the job done. While my TechMama brand is the intersection between tech and family, a key part of my brand it holding myself to the highest standards of ethics to respect the influence I have.
The book discusses how to use push technologies such as Twitter and pull technologies like Facebook, websites and blogs to achieve likability, trustworthiness, and to overcome resistance.
There are great tips in this book for anyone in business and social media. Even those who are social-media obsessed like me need to read the book and learn about influence, ethics and the best uses of “push” and “pull” technologies.
On that note, I saw that there is also a deal going on for those who buy Enchantment. Here are the details:
Guy Kawasaki recently teamed up with friends at Peachpit Press to create a special promotion. When people anywhere in the world buy a copy of Enchantment in any form (paper, recording, or ebook), they can get a free copy of Garr’s book called Presentation Zen. Presentation Zen is one of the best books ever written about making great presentations. Seth Godin said this about it: “Please don’t buy this book! Once people start making better presentations, mine won’t look so good.”
The deal is valid for the first 750 entrants. But deal or no deal, I recommend the book Enchantment as a must read for those in business and social media.
Disclosure: I received a copy of the book Enchantment for review purposes.

Beth Blecherman started her career in application development then Senior Manager, Computer Process Integrity, for Deloitte. After senior management she took on family management blogging as her career 2.0. She is a Co-Founder of the Silicon Valley Moms Group, a collaborative of mom blogs across the country, and their first international blog Canada Moms Blog.
Blecherman founded her personal blog, TechMamas.com, as a platform to discuss technology and gadgets for families. Beth vlogs with other female tech bloggers at Gadgetspin.com. She also consults with companies on blogger outreach and social media strategies and speaks at conferences on parenting, social media and technology. TechMamas.com was chosen as one of the Nielson Power Mom 50 influencers. On Twitter as @TechMama she was chosen as one of the 25 Influential Moms to Follow on Twitter and BizTechDay’s 25 Influential Business Women in the Bay Area. Beth is on the Board of Advisors for MommyTech at CES.