The Top Ten Most Viewed Posts of 2011: Part Two
5. Phillie Phanatic
It makes me very happy that a post on my birthday made the Top Ten. This is the Phanatic at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, but I still like to think he was excited for my birthday. In case you were wondering, my birthday is on March 24th…feel free to write it down, I turn the big 3-0 this year!
4. Hurricane Irene
Hurricane Irene struck the East Coast in late August and it was feared that there would be significant damage to the Philadelphia area. The sky begins to look ominous over the skyline as Irene approached the city.
3. Spectrum Demolition
Philadelphia saw an iconic building come to an end this past winter, and the Spectrum will not soon be forgotten. I was fortunate enough to sneak through the fence surrounding the demolition site to grab a few photos.
2. Aftermath of Hurricane Irene
Philadelphia was fortunate to not have been hit by Hurricane Irene as bad as forecasters were expecting, but there was still significant damage and flooding to speak of. There were a good amount of people who came out to survey the flooding caused along the Schuylkill River and Boathouse Row.
1. Race Street Pier
The most viewed post this year was the grand opening of the Race Street Pier. Mayor Nutter officially opened the brand new Race Street Pier, the first public space of its kind on the Central Delaware River Waterfront. The park’s design came from James Corner Field Operations, the internationally recognized landscape architecture and urban design firm responsible for the design of the widely acclaimed and award-winning High Line Park in New York City. I was lucky enough to meet the James Corner architect of the project while I was shooting from the Ben Franklin Bridge, which resulted in selling a few of my photos to the firm. The Race Street Pier is an exciting new addition to the city and will hopefully gain popularity in the years to come!

Christian Carollo is a freelance photographer based in the suburbs of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He has lived near Philadelphia his entire life and has a great appreciation for the culture, beauty, passion, and history the city has to offer.