The Budwig Diet is a cancer remedy that’s so simple and the ingredients are on your health food store shelves. It consists of organic low-fat cottage cheese and organic flax seed oil, along with a little sunlight (without cancerous sunscreens please!) and some light exercise thrown in when able. Now that’s about as simple as it gets! Dr. Budwig helped people who were given a few hours to a few days to live and restored their health with this energizing combination of whole, healthy, oxygen-rich foods. Being an expert on fats back in the 1950’s, Dr. Budwig warned of the dangers of eating trans fats – YES – back in the 50’s!!!! Because of her expertise in fats, she found that by combining a high sulphorated protein such as cottage cheese with the flax oil, that the oil becomes water-soluble, allowing the oil to easily permeate the cell wall and provide much needed elements to create a healthy environment where disease such as cancer cannot exist. By the way, the Budwig Diet doesn’t just handle cancer – but a host of other supposed “incurable” diseases as well.
My Pomeranian “Teddy” and I share the Budwig Diet for breakfast. I make a cup of the Budwig Diet, then take two heaping teaspoons aside and mash it up for her. Teddy’s a 17 pound Pomeranian who turned 10 years old April ’09. Of course, I eat the rest of the cup of the Budwig Diet – and I like it! Here are the ingredients I use:
Simply mix together:
1 cup of Organic Low-Fat Cottage Cheese (Dr. Budwig specifically stated “organic low-fat”)
2 Tbls Organic Flax Seed Oil (I use the Flora brand in the amber glass bottle – glass is always superior to plastic bottles)
The general rule of thumb is to use 1 Tbls of Flax oil per 50 lbs of body weight. That’s why I give Teddy only a couple teaspoons of my Budwig Diet mixture since she weighs so little.
Here’s the amazing results I witnessed within a week of our having it every morning: Teddy had two growths on the top of her head near her left ear that had been there for nearly a year. It started out as one hard node and developed into two. These nodes were highly reminiscent of a node that turned out to be a very aggressive cancer in my previous Pomeranian, Sammy, several years ago. I was very nervous about getting a biopsy this time because when I had the node removed from Sammy upon his doctor’s recommendation, she then notified me that this type of cancer, when disturbed, spreads fast and kills quickly. It did, I lost my little guy to a gaping, open, bloody-weeping cancerous wound. It literally ate his left thigh away. It was horrible! So, not wanting to even think of going through a biopsy with Teddy – fearing I’d ignite an aggressive cancer which would take her out sooner – I left it alone. I am so happy to say – the nodes completely disappeared after one week of feeding her a little bit of the Budwig Diet each day! One week – folks! Now that’s the beauty of natural healing – which is just the way I like it. But, that’s not the end of it! Teddy now takes me for a walk! She’s got so much energy that she races ahead of me and I have to keep up!
Please spread the word of the Budwig Diet to your loved ones – no one should suffer poisoning their bodies with chemicals and radiation – when we can use good foods to actually heal ourselves instead – what a novel idea! We don’t have to give our wealth and our health over to people who receive a whole whopping 4 hours of nutritional training to receive their medical degree. Keep in mind, everything that goes in our mouth is what our bodies are made of – so the old adage “You are what you eat” is still an absolute physical law which will lead you to health – or to a pretty miserable death by disease. Take control of your own health – eat organic.
The Budwig Diet is only one of the natural remedies that are effective in creating a healthy body – but I would say – it’s one of the most expedient in providing a stronghold of health in a very short period of time. Many natural therapies take time to see marked results and I don’t discount their effectiveness, but the Budwig Diet results seem to be amazingly immediate from my experience.
I recommend using many different natural therapies – since many roads lead to Rome as they say! Do take your anti-oxidants (Vitamin C, Resveratrol, Alpha Lipoic Acid, etc.) and eat anti-oxidant rich foods (such as Acai Berry, Goji Berries, Raw Chocolate, Flax seed products, etc.).
Want more info about the Budwig Diet? Google, Baby, Google!!!
Here’s a recipe I pulled off the net – it adds the fiber of the whole fresh ground flax seed which is full of lignans to support the hormonal and digestive system, and in addition adds the cleansing effect of cayenne.
Mash or blend:
1 cup Organic low-fat cottage cheese (or yogurt)
2-5 Tbsp. of Organic flaxseeed oil-
1-3 Tbsp. of freshly ground up flaxseed (coffee grinder ($15) works fine)
enough water to make it soft
little cayenne
little garlic
little red pepper
little champagne
Don’t let cancer – along with chemotherapy and radiation take out your loved ones – like it did to my Mom, favorite Aunt and my Uncle who was a nuclear physicist.
Over the weekend, I met a dear woman and her son at the Farmer’s Market whose faces melted when they saw me walking Teddy (she looks like a little red fox). I recounted my Budwig Diet experience with them of how it melted Teddy’s tumors away. She thanked me for the info, and then her son stated that she’s a nurse. With a pained look on her face, she told me how she apologizes to her patients as she hands them a handful of pharmaceuticals to take. She says she knows they’re poison and feels so bad when she administers them. It’s got to be hard on these dear nurses to witness the pain, death and sadness perpetuated by a medical system based on greed. Make no mistake about it – cancer is Big Business – there are MANY NATURAL CURES available to which the allopathic community casts a blind eye. What ever happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Oh yeah, Greed! Pretty sad . . .
One last note about flax seed oil is – you must keep it refrigerated. Flax oil is unrefined and becomes rancid quickly. Always re-cap the bottle and refrigerate immediately after using. Use within 8 weeks of opening the bottle. You will find organic flax oil at your local health food store in the refrigerated section.
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To Your Health!!! Bon Appetit!

Malibu Kim’s client list reads like a who’s-who of Hollywood including: Madonna, Sir Ben Kingsley, Phillip & Jonny (Radiohead), David Gray Band, Christine Baransky, Gretchen Moll, Keith Urban, Tricky, Erykah Badu, Ray Romano, Dave Chappelle, Joan Osborne and many more, as well as notable TV, film and music industry executives from around the globe.
Kim’s background stems from her artistry as a musician (Spacedrums, Vixen-Hawaii, Malisha), energy worker & bodywork therapist, aromatherapy designer, raw food and superfood enthusiast, and her decades of study and experience in the world of metaphysics. She’s been described as funny, enlightening, and at times, on fire! Her continuing quest for health knowledge has transformed into a quest of transferring her collected knowledge to inspire others to health and happiness following sound principles to feed the body, mind and spirit. Visit Malibu Kim’s website for cutting-edge health info and nutritious raw recipes at: Malibu Kim