During a trip to Florida to visit my grandmother, I took a bunch of photos of the palm trees at our hotel. The odd vertical lines are artifacts of the can. They’re in most of the photos taken with the cans. You can see the how the negative, curled into the curved can, alters the image.
A self portrait, with KNEES SHINS. Taken during that first pinhole class. Arty! For the photos I took during class, I think I was using a large, oval cardboard box as a camera. Definitely not either of my two favorite cans shown in the earlier post.
I think this was at the Grand Canyon, on a visit with Dana. I like the bleak, old-timey, Western look of the photo. Like there’s a dead gunslinger decomposing behind that rock.
This is one of the China photos: the famous terra cotta soldiers of Xian.

Sari Em is a writer, educator and a museum exhibit developer. A long time New England resident, she was raised on the Jersey Shore where she scooped frozen custard on the boardwalk, yet refused to wear acid-washed jeans or white heeled pumps.