The first Cryptid of this ep isode will be the Loveland Frog!
The Loveland Frog is from Loveland, Ohio. The first report was in 1955, when a business man was coming home from work. On his way home he saw three or four humanoid creatures with a frog-like head.
They were about 4 (1 m) feet tall. He also described them as having wrinkles instead of hair, wide lip-less mouths. When they left, the business man said that they left behind a strong odor of Almond nuts and Alfalfa sprouts.
In approximately 20 years, Police encountered a similar creature. It jumped over the guard rail into a river. Two weeks later, they encountered it again. It was on the road. The police officer shot at it, but the creature got away.
Next up is the Lagarfljots Worm.
Lagarfljots Worm
The Lagarfljots Worm is a Giant lake Cryptid in Iceland. There have been many witnesses, all saying it is coiled up near the shore. It has also been spotted on land, slithering. Most sights say it is about 300 ft (91 m, for you readers not in the states.), longer than a Football stadium (American Football).
Next up is the Trunko from South Africa.
The Trunko
The Trunko was reported in 1924, while sailing the South African seas. The Trunko was first seen off the coast fighting two killer whales. It was said to be two or three times the size of killer whales, and have a rhinoceros like horn, lobster like tail, and polar bear like fur.
A few days later, one of them washed up on shore, dead. It was there for ten days, yet no scientists came down to examine it. While it was on the beach, a few people decided to measure it. It was 47 ft long (14 m) and 10 feet wide (3 m). After ten days, it was said to “swim” back into the ocean. Maybe it wasn’t dead…
Written by Miro…

Lainie Liberti is a recovering branding expert, who’s career once focused on creating campaigns for green – eco business, non-profits and conscious business. Dazzling clients with her high-energy designs for over 18 years, Lainie lent her artistic talents to businesses that matter. But that was then.
In 2008, after the economy took a turn, Lainie decided to be the change (instead of a victim) and began the process of “lifestyle redesign,” a joint decision between both her and her 11-year-old son, Miro. They sold or gave away all of of their possessions in 2009 and began a life of travel, service, and exploration. Lainie and her son Miro began their open-ended adventure backpacking through Central and South America. They are slow traveling around the globe allowing inspiration to be their compass. The pair is most interested in exploring different cultures, contributing by serving, and connecting with humanity as ‘global citizens.’
Today Lainie considers herself a digital nomad who is living a location independent life. She and her son write and podcast their experiences from the road at Raising Miro on the Road of Life.