In my first road trip across America this actually will be my third move overseas (and last since I’m not coming back to America to live). Before I used an overseas mover that just sent a shipment overseas with all my stuff (including my car). I did all the research: looked for car shipping quotes, got a moving estimate, and even looked for international moving companies. This move was a little different since I was actually moving my stuff to one of America’s best kept secrets, northeast Pennsylvania. I did all the touristy things including taking pictures of all the welcome signs and moon passing cars (don’t ask, I did get some compliments though)
My first stop was in St. Augustine, Florida. Commonly coined America oldest city its actually the oldest continuously occupied European city. It was founded in 1565 and many call it America’s first city because it has been occupied ever since. The Castillo de San Marcos, or Fort St. Mark, is the oldest masonry fort in the United States.
They say the best peaches come from Georgia and I never used to believe that. I would always say to myself a peach is a peach no matter where its from. But ladies and gentlemen I have to admit that they actually were correct. Just like the best oranges come from Florida and people who are the most late are Spanish (I have a Spanish family–I can say that), Georgia has delicious peaches. I stopped in Savannah only because a city that is referred to as “The Hostess city” of the United States has a right to be stopped at. A lot of history in this city from some of the oldest plantations to museums and the architecture itself. A must see!
Nothing would top off an old fashioned American road trip than some graffiti. I tried to keep this site PG but I suffer from a serious condition when I see this sign, uncontrollable laughter. A small town on the border of Pennsylvania and New York it has a population close to 14,000. Ironically enough this was the first case of graffiti that I found in New York State of all places.
Many are lucky enough to have a place on the beach and others a place in the mountains. Some prefer the non stop movement of the city and some even cherish the suburbs. I am lucky enough to call the American country as a part of my home now, although I am a nomad and move from place to place. In the falls this is the most beautiful place on Earth. (NOTE: This picture was taken with a blackberry not a digital camera)
I think everyone should have at least one “Great American Road trip adventure”

Marcello Arrambide considers himself a fanatical entrepreneur. During his younger years, when CD burning software first came out, he burned CD’s and sold them for $5 to $10 a piece, worked at a bakery and took the leftovers to school and sold them to students for breakfast the next morning. He flew to New York City and found a contact in China to have purses and wallets shipped him directly to sell.
He has since tried sales, real estate, software and day trading, where he coaches others to learn and develop their skill in the market. He plans to show everyone how easy living and moving overseas can be on your own terms as long as you have high speed internet and a computer.