How a 16 Year Old Made His First Million Dollars

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I was reading TechMeme and I found this article on Gizmodo that discussed how a 16 year old named Christian Owens (yes – that is SIXTEEN YEAR OLD) made his first million dollars inspired by none other than Steve Jobs. This made me feel a little better about the outrageous amount I spent on computer camp for my tween.

Well, reading the post about the 16 year old millionaire Christian Owens – and the fact that my tween son loves to play with anything computer makes me feel better about sending him to a camp where he sits in front of the computer for part of the day. TechBoy (as my son also calls himself) is also my defacto cameraman and editor. Yes, he gets paid in points for his hard work. That is how he earned his electric guitar. So for now my son is breaking even for his business venture, or we can call it “re-investing his earnings in business capital”.

Christian Owens received his first computer at seven, a few years later got a MAC and taught himself web design then started his own company. At sixteen he created a MAC OS X bundle that did quite well (700,000 British Pounds or around $1 million US dollars!).

This is a great story to share with budding young entrepreneurs to show them an example of someone who had an idea and went for it. But I would just add an important point for any parent discussing this story with their kids – to tell their kids to make sure they also spend time just being a kid (i.e. outdoor and sports time).

Wonder what other kids are creating their first business’ before they get out of highschool?

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