If you’re anything like me, chances are you try to avoid checking baggage at all costs when you fly. Between long lines at the check-in counter and extra fees, it’s generally not worth the hassle if you can manage to get all your necessities into a carry-on. In case you do have to check a suitcase, though, Delta now offers you more peace of mind thanks to its new baggage-tracking service.
The new service, which Delta isn’t currently advertising on its site, allows you to type in your bag tag number and see exactly where you suitcase is. Just like when you’re tracking FedEx or UPS packages, Delta’s new service will tell you when and where your suitcases were last scanned. Give that Delta allows you free WiFi access to its own site during WiFi-equipped flights, you can even ensure that all your belongings are on the same plane as you when that moment of doubt hits you somewhere over Kansas.

German-born, Frederic Lardinois writes about Web technology for ReadWriteWeb and has been covering Web 2.0 technologies and social media for several years. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon.