I have been trying to figure out how to celebrate World Food Day 2010 this Saturday October 16th. I think I have it figured out now, and in this case it is the proverbial two birds, one stone scenario.
Our next dish is Lovo from Fiji. What is Lovo you ask? Click here to read more and to understand just why this particular dish is a 5 for difficulty. I have yet to have to construct an entire cooking oven for any dish in this challenge, although I have cooked on several firepits in my day. Just not underground!
Celebrate World Food Day 2010 with a traditional Fijian Feast in an underground oven! I’ll be doing the same and you can follow me at Myhungrytum as I cook and photograph the process. Assuming I survive the process and do not burn down my house, I hope to have a new favorite, if rarely attempted style of cooking. In the event that it fails miserably, I claim only my ignorance and lack of quality time spent in good Fijian company as an excuse.
Also while you are at it, if you care to donate to my favorite charity that provides food and other aid to groups around the world, please surf on over here and donate! By the way, this is the charity for one of my favorite bands, Incubus – in case you wanted to know.

Eric Ackerson is a food writer, blogger and seafood marketing professional. His work takes him to many ports of call around the world. Currently Eric is cooking the national dish of every country on Earth at his blog My Hungry Tum. Eric enjoys travel and says his favorite food cities are Singapore and Vancouver. He lives in Charlotte NC with his wife and two daughters who he says are quickly becoming “foodies” themselves…