“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” – Roman Philosopher
Started out simple enough, sitting with new friends at Sundowners, West End, Roatan, when John casually asked, “Wanna be a DJ?”
I figured he was joking, or perhaps talking to the person sitting next to me. You know how that works; you answer someone who wasn’t speaking to you…feeling kind of silly. I don’t reply. He asked again, “Genny, do you want be a DJ?”
Opps, he is talking to me, and he means it!
John and his lovely wife Barbara had started an Internet Radio Station a month or so previous and while I listened in occasionally…I really didn’t give it much thought. I was impressed that they took on the challenge, but I certainly never saw myself being involved!
And then he said something that sparked my interest, “Your show can be about anything you want.”
My passion since moving to Roatan in 2007 has been to share the Roatan I have come to know and love with the world. I’ve been doing that by writing stories about day-to-day life on Roatan, first through my travel blog and more recently on this website. The Roatan Vortex pulled me in and I feel compelled to share.
“Can it be a talk show format? Can I talk about Roatan?”
The Roatan Vortex Show on Roatan Radio, with your host Genevieve, was born that day.
Now, I’ll skip over the part about my debut hosting an internet radio show. Actually, I’ll tell you this much…I was TERRIFIED! What the heck was I doing? Stepping outside of my comfort zone to try something new was one thing, but this far outside?
Once I got over that and got into the routine (that’s a bit of an oxymoron, nothing on Roatan is routine.) Something amazing started to happen, listenership steadily increased from five people; three good friends, my husband, and my mom—to people all around the world! New listeners started contacting me at Roatan Radio and this website. They too felt the Roatan Vortex pulling them in! They wanted to know more about Roatan and those already on Roatan wanted to help me spread the word!
Ahhh, life is good. I get to share Roatan through my website and internet radio, the cow sized butterflies in my stomach are gone and I’m having fun!
…and then a few weeks ago John did it again, “Hey Genevieve, how’d you feel about doing the Roatan Vortex Radio Show on an FM station too?”
Pardon! He’s got to be joking this time? Silly me…he’s not joking!
Starting this Monday, August 2nd the Roatan Vortex Morning Show will broadcast live from the studio in Jackson Plaza, Roatan on 101.1 FM, while continuing to live stream around the world at Roatan Radio – Bringing Roatan to the World and the World to Roatan!
The Roatan Vortex Morning Show will be coming to you every Monday thru Friday morning. I’ll still share those Roatan Vortex things that pull you in, and talk about such things as, the earthquake that hit us. As well as discuss compelling topics such as, how you can tell a newbie will make it on Roatan. But the Roatan Vortex Morning Show will also be the place for listeners to get information that matters to you the most; community events, world news, accurate weather reports and warnings, environmental issues and discussion, etc. For the fun of it I might throw in the occasional Road Report.
Whether you’re driving to work, on your computer (anywhere in the world,) lying in the hammock, or heading to the beach…the Roatan Vortex Morning Show will be there for you – Bringing Roatan to the World and the World to Roatan, 7am to 10am (MST) Monday thru Friday on 101.1 FM.
The cow sized butterflies in my stomach are back! And I have to start getting up a lot earlier, but having this opportunity to share Roatan makes it all worthwhile.
I’ll just stay on alert for John coming towards me saying, “Hey Genevieve…”
I’d love to hear from you! What else would you like included during the Roatan Vortex Morning Radio Show? Who would you like to be guests on the show? What topics matter the most to you? If you’re not on Roatan and listening in at Roatan Radio what would you like?
101.1 FM Roatan Radio – it’s all about bringing Roatan to the World and the World to Roatan!

Originally from Ontario, Canada, Genny Ross-Barons moved to Roatan, Honduras in 2007 where she shares a cabana with her husband and island dog Mona in Sandy Bay, Roatan.
She spends her day-to-day life and ‘positive initiatives’ on Roatan, sharing untold stories through her blog ‘Life & Writing, on Roatan’