Let’s Hear Zimbabwe Sing

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I have a soft spot for Zimbabwe. It’s hard not to if you’ve ever been there. Having lived in and traveled through southern Africa, I’ve been hipnotized by the warm, gentle and giving souls of the people in the region despite their history of war, corrupt governments and years of colonialism.

Unlike South Africa, they have more easily ‘moved on.’ It doesn’t mean that Zimbabwe hasn’t had its fair share of problems and issues. AND according to those in my circles, people are leaving for better lands.

Zimbabwean musician Zivanai Masango joins the PopTech entertainers and sings for us……its meditative and yet has that chanting mezmorizing quality that a lot of African music does. I disappear for awhile.

He is emotional on stage but honest about what he writes about and why. His third song is about breaking free from all the things that haunt him; ‘breaking free’ says his lyrics, so he can positively move forward in his life.


Tag: PopTech Tag: PopTech 2005 Tag: Zivanai Masango

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