Once a week this summer, come back to The Causemopolitan to read a guest post that will inspire you right up out of your seat to get involved and give back in a special series called Cause It’s Summer! Featured bloggers will be sharing their own reflections and stories, tips and resources, and perspective on philanthropy, social entrepreneurship and their own cause-filled life. This week welcome Ryan Fix, who shares his journey to create Pure Projects and what defines creativity and prosperity in his world, and how you can use those values towards your own projects. This is one you don’t want to miss!
A creative society is a prosperous society! In some ways, we all seek to define creativity and prosperity as it means something different for each of us. My creativity has tended towards the curatorial process and my current application typically involves the fusion of creativity, innovation, sustainability, social & environmental awareness, and values-driven business principles. I define prosperity through a perspective of abundance versus scarcity. Therefore, prosperity for me is simply a state of mind that has an outward effect on my external environment.
For some time now, I have operated from the perspective that creativity is the most powerful access point to our own truth; a truth that ultimately links all of humanity and life in general. This creative flow manifests differently for each of us. Painting, music, cooking, writing, entrepreneurship and so on; it’s all creativity. It connects us with that conscious that links us all.
It is through the creative process that I become more conscious and ultimately more compassionate for all life that is linked by consciousness. In essence, it is by tapping into my creative flow that I resonate with the universal truth that ‘we are all one.’
From here there is no avoiding that what I must seek is a common good for all humanity. I must find harmony between self-interest and altruism. This is the seed or truth that drives the statement: A creative society is a prosperous society!
Once I was able to resonate with this truth, my life purpose become clear. I must use my creativity to promote a common good in the world so that all of humanity has the opportunity to live in harmony and prosperity.
The goal of my work in the world is to promote a world of ‘pure projects,’ which uses creativity and innovation to promote a common good in the world. By applying values-driven business principles to these ‘pure projects,’ they become sustainable storytelling devices that move through the world based on economic principles. These stories meet people where they are and allow one to consider what this story means for oneself. Take for example I buy a lemonade that is served in a cup made of plant matter verses petroleum-based plastic. And imagine that there is a clever and inspiring statement that is inviting verses intrusive. I, for sure, would be affected and after a series of related occurrences, would probably consider how I might apply these ideas to my own life. This is one of a million examples.
The point is this: all projects should have a ‘pure’ intention at their core and also be wrapped with a fully sustainable model, that considers social, environmental, cultural, and financial issues.
It is my firm belief that by promoting a world of ‘pure projects,’ we will accelerate the current global shift in consciousness. We are currently experiencing a breakdown in many, if not all, of our systems. It is time to evolve, to transform, to innovate in ways and at rates we have never experienced before. It is happening now and all around us. Tomorrow, the only constant will be change. We must embrace it and tap into our innate gift of creativity.
I urge you all to focus on what you love. Do more of it as it is your right to do so. By honoring your creativity in this way you will be promoting a common good in the world.
Thanks for allowing me to share this with you all and if your interested in learning more about our work, please have a look at Pure Project.
I’m looking forward to hearing about your ‘pure project.’
Ryan Fix is the Founder of Pure Projects. Infused with entrepreneurial spirit, Ryan embodies a life dedicated to sustainability, environmental action, global social awareness, holistic health, wellness education, and artistic expression. Using ‘values-driven business principles’ as his vehicle of choice, Ryan employs his communication skills and vast networks to draw people together to effect a common goal.
Educated in Foreign Policy from American University, trained in Finance on Wall Street, engaged in Real Estate Marketing & Development in the Halls of NYC, and riding the dot-com wave of the late-90s, Ryan is well prepared for just about any mission. Defined by his heartfelt ambition, consistent drive, unrelenting spirit, and overwhelming love for life & mankind, Ryan greets every day and every opportunity with open arms.
Ryan Fix is the founder of PUREPROJECT, an organization that uses creativity and innovation to promote sustainable solutions that advance a common good in the world. After successfully incubating several ventures, they are currently building a platform and system to support others catalyze their own ‘pure projects.’

Sloane Berrent is a cause-based marketing and social branding consultant, nonprofiteer and budding social entrepreneur. She uses social media, product evangelizing, fundraising and community development services to help for-profit and nonprofit companies with a focus on social action campaigns. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, she has lived in Burlington VT, Boston MA, Rome Italy, and Los Angeles, CA. She spent 2009 as a digital nomad, traveling the world experiencing life and volunteering including stints in South America, New Orleans and three months in the Philippines as a Kiva Fellow.
She co-created “Cause It’s My Birthday” a campaign to raise money (over $19k to date) and awareness for malaria prevention in Ghana. Sloane moved to New Orleans as her new home at the end of 2009 and co-launched NOLAlicious, a weekly newsletter of events in New Orleans. She was recently named the citizen journalist to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland for the MySpace and The Wall Street Journal communities. Her consulting practice, Answer With Action, focuses on strategic integrated marketing consulting. She speaks frequently on building community and blogs at The Causemopolitan.