Seafood Fest On Sunday!!
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What Does the Seattle Post-Intelligencer & Uganda’s New Vision Newspaper Have in Common?
I don’t want to jinx it… has summer made it to the Pacific Northwest?
Magic Of The Sun + Edmonds Art Festival
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Samia Shalabi is a Seattle based artist & designer, yogi and traveler who has roots in the Middle-East, was raised in the middle-west and is drawn to India. She has a degree in geology, has traveled all over the world with a backpack, and believes in following her dreams. Samia does yoga most mornings, enjoys walks around Seattle, loves to laugh, and daydreams about where to travel next. She is working on a movie shoot in France.
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We Blog the World (WBTW) was founded by Renee Blodgett whose initial goal was to cross pollinate ideas and stories across the globe with the hope of providing a deeper understanding of cultures foreign to our own. It has morphed from its earliest days and is today dedicated to Transformative Travel, at the crossroads of where adventure, wellness and luxury meet. From some of the most passionate voices on the web, you’ll find rich storytelling and photography from every continent. Read More.