My yogi retreat to Jamaica last month was a success, largely because I committed to every class except for one and used that time for mind/body reflection and a long walk on the beach. Wellness...
Cuba, a large Caribbean island nation, is perhaps best known for its communism, colonial architecture, and (let’s be honest), cigars. But there’s a whole other side to Cuba, featuring white-sand beaches, rolling mountains, salsa music, and...
I wish I could say I’m that person you’ll see running around Central Park at the crack of dawn every morning but instead you’re more likely to find me on a bench, coffee in hand,...
There's something magical about Jamaica as I knew there would be -- it captured my heart in a raw and restless way, the kind of way you feel when you first begin to travel and...
The Sigma 35 mm f 1/4 lens is the archetypical telephoto lens that is widely used on Safari, to something a little more, well, little. In the wilderness, it’s not all about the tight close-ups...
No, Germany didn’t sneak into Whoville and actually steel Christmas, but if the Grinch had wandered into Annaberg Germany to steal Christmas his bag of contraband would have most certainly been weighted down with German...
Christmas holidays are meant to be relaxing, but let’s be honest; this time of year can also be pretty demanding. The holiday season often brings with it long hours of gift wrapping, financial burdens and more leftover...
Christmas is just around the corner, the Rockefeller tree is finally up and all the window displays have been revealed. I know the shops have been in the Christmas spirit since early May but I have...
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