Nakijin Castle is a Ryukyuan castle or fortress located in Nakijin, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. It is currently in ruins. In the late 14th century, the Ryukyus consisted of three principalities: Nanzan to the south, Chūzan...
Nakijin, Okinawa is a village located in Kunigami District, Okinawa, Japan. As of 2003, the village has an estimated population of 9,529 and a population density of 239.00 persons per km². The total area is...
The Ryukyuan or Lewchewan people are the indigenous peoples of the Ryukyu Islands between the islands of Kyushu and Taiwan. The generally recognized subgroups of Ryukyuans are Amamians, Okinawans, Miyakoans, Yaeyamans, and Yonagunians. Geographically, they...
Kabira Bay is located on the north coast of Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Renowned for its white sands, turquoise waters and dense vegetation, the bay forms part of the Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park. Alongside Mount...
Nago, Okinawa is a city located in the northern part of Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. As of December 2012, the city had an estimated population of 61,659 and a density of 288 persons per...
Shuri Castle is a Ryūkyūan castle in Shuri, Okinawa. It was the palace of the Ryūkyū Kingdom. In 1945, during the Battle of Okinawa, it was almost completely destroyed. Beginning in 1992, it was reconstructed...
is the southernmost prefecture of Japan. It consists of hundreds of the Ryukyu Islands in a chain over 1,000 kilometres long. The Ryukyos extend southwest from Kyūshū (the southwesternmost of Japan's main four islands) to...
is a Japanese dish and a popular example of Okinawan cuisine. It consists of taco-flavored ground beef served on a bed of rice and lettuce, frequently also served together with tomato, cucumber, cheese and topped...
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