Because the Travel Blog Exchange was holding an event the day after BlogHer, I couldn't resist stopping into the Chicago Cultural Center to hear and learn more.
While I wasn't there for the whole thing, I...
Southwest flight to Chicago. This is what travel has become....
Grace Davis says to women: forgive yourself. It's a powerfully moving piece she read on the BlogHer09 stage Saturday night in Chicago....
Redneck Mommy at BlogHer this week, on what it's like to be a mother of disabled children and why your perception of and behavior around them really matters....
Danielle from Knotty Yarn Reads Stuck in the Middle at BlogHer09. What's the middle you ask? Yes, her vagina. It's a hilariously funny piece and worth watching....
Retro-food blogger on why I cook, read at BlogHer in Chicago this week....
At BlogHer this week in Chicago, Stirrup Queens blogger Melissa Ford talks infertility in a reading on the last night....
Wendy Aarons love and disappointment with Diet Coke at BlogHer09 in Chicago....
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